Fate of Life

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The middle aged woman said with tears and guilt, "I should have reported your baby to the police when I found your baby 22 years ago... My husband and I have been married for years but we still can't have baby. My husband was very happy when I came home with your baby... Our lives were filled with happiness everyday since the day your baby lived with us... But Minseok suffered from dengue fever when he was 5 years old and died."

Minju said sadly, "Do you still keep the baby wrap cloth? I want to have it back." The middle aged woman replied sadly, "I'm really sorry... I gave it to a little kid whom I met many years ago because it was winter and he didn't have a scarf."

The middle aged woman said, "I'm really sorry." Minju said, "It was my fault in the first place. If I had taken my baby with me, then this would not have happened. Please don't blame yourself. Thank you for taking care of my son for 5 years... Please craft my son's birth date on his tombstone. His birth date is April 20, 1990." The middle aged woman nodded in understanding.

Minju parted ways with the detective because her son had been found. Minju returned to her hometown by train, she wanted to visit her husband's grave and tell her deceased husband to take care of their son up there.

Minju went to her mom in law's house after visiting her husband's grave. Minju was shocked when she saw the tree in the front yard full of paper cuts hanging on the tree branches.

Minju grabbed a high stool then got on the stool to read some paper cuts hanging on the tree, "I wish to be loved... I wish Kim Jongdae to find his cousin... I wish Byun Baekhyun to be loved by his eomma... I wish to meet again with Kim Jongdae and Byun Baekhyun."

Minseok came out from the house wearing Minju's baby wrap cloth on his neck because it was winter already. Minseok was surprised when he saw Minju in the front yard. Minju got down the stool then approached Minseok.

Minju asked, "Do you live here?" Minseok nodded and said, "I know I'm wrong to live here but I have no place to stay and I don't find anyone living here." Minju looked at the baby wrap cloth on Minseok's neck and said with a smile, "My journey to find my missing son has brought me to you... The journey doesn't stop at the cemetery but here."

Minseok looked at Minju confusedly, he didn't understand what Minju said. Minju smiled at Minseok and asked, "Do you want to be my son?" Minseok asked confusedly, "Ahjumma, what do you mean?"

Minju said, "I will be your eomma and you will be my son. We will become a family, okay?" Minseok nodded happily, then he called Minju, "Eomma." Suddenly Tears rolled down Minseok's face because he felt so happy, finally he had parent. Minju hugged Minseok and said, "Let's live our lives happily." Minseok nodded in tears.

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3 months later.

Jongdae's dad lifted his wine glass and exclaimed happily, "Cheers to Park Minwoo and Byun Jungsoo! Wish you two to have a happy marriage forever!!" Jongdae and his mom, Minju and Minseok, Baekhyun and his mom also the painting gallery owner, all raised their wine glasses then exclaimed happily, "Cheers!!!"

The painting gallery owner said, "Thank you for coming to Mexico to celebrate my wedding." Jongdae's dad said, "Minwoo hyung, I'm really glad to know you are the one who married Jungsoo." The painting gallery owner chuckled at Jongdae's dad.

Baekhyun's mom didn't want to bring shame to the painting gallery owner by having a wedding party because of her past, so they only had family dinner in Mexico because the painting gallery owner was holding a painting exhibition there.

Minju said while pouting, "Oppa (older brother), how can you disappear for years then suddenly appear and announce your marriage? Do you know how worried our parents were?" "I came home once in several months to see our parents. You didn't know because you were busy taking care of your mother in law and looking for your missing son. I'm glad you have found your son," said the painting gallery owner.

Jongdae's mom said to Baekhyun's mom, "Call me when your husband isn't around. We can hang out together." Baekhyun's mom replied with a smile, "Okay." Jongdae's mom said to Minju, "You should come with us too." Minju nodded with a smile.

Baekhyun said while laughing, "It's really funny to think how we first met and how we end up now." Jongdae said, "I never thought that we all were connected to each other." Minseok said with a wide smile, "I'm glad to be a part of this big happy family."

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22 years ago.

"Push... Push... Come on, push it harder," said the old midwife. A minute later the baby was born and cried. The woman who gave birth to the baby died because of heavy bleeding. The old midwife raised the baby.

5 years later.

"Aegee-ah (baby), be a good boy eh? Halmoeni (grandma) will come home tomorrow afternoon," said the old midwife. The anonymous kid said while pouting, "Halmeoni, why do all my friends have names but not me? I don't want to be called aegee aegee because I'm not a baby anymore." The old midwife said, "Okay... Halmeoni will ask someone smart to give you a name because halmeoni doesn't know what name is good for you... Halmeoni will leave now, okay?" "Bye bye halmeoni," said the anonymous kid.

The old midwife went outside the town because she was asked to help her best friend's daughter give birth. The old midwife died on her way back home due to exhaustion. The anonymous kid got bullied by his friends and neighbors because he didn't have name and parents.

The anonymous kid recklessly left the midwife's house because he couldn't stand it anymore. The anonymous kid often got food from people who pitied him, he slept under the bridge or in front of the closed stores at night.

28 year old Minju came out from the police station sadly, there was still no news about her missing son after 5 years. Minju saw the anonymous kid crying alone on the side of the street, she thought sadly, "My son may be as big as that boy now... My son, where are you now? "

Minju bought a lollipop candy then gave it to the anonymous kid and said, "Don't cry... Why are you here alone?... Where is your parents?" The anonymous kid said, "Ahjumma... I'm hungry." Minju took the anonymous kid to her mom in law's house to eat dinner together with her mom in law.

The anonymous kid saw the tree in the front yard full of paper cuts hanging on the tree branches. "Ahjumma, what is that? Do the paper cuts grow from the tree? I have never seen a tree like that," said the anonymous kid. Minju smiled and said, "Those paper cuts are ahjumma's wishes... Ahjumma's eomma said if we write our wish on a paper cut, our wish will come true." Minju only had one wish, finding her missing son, she hung one paper cut every day, so the tree was full of paper cuts after 5 years.

Minju took the anonymous kid to the police station with the hope that the police would send the anonymous kid back home because she knew what it was like to lose a son. The anonymous kid ran away from the police station because he thought he would be put in jail.

The snow started falling. The temperature was getting cold. The anonymous kid pulled up his jacket's collar to cover his open neck as he kept walking while holding a lollipop candy given by Minju. 

The anonymous kid saw a woman in her 30s crying alone on a park bench. The woman had just returned from her son's grave with her husband but she didn't want to go home with her husband because she didn't want her husband to see her crying.

The anonymous kid approached the woman then gave his lollipop candy while saying, "Ahjumma, you can have my candy... Please don't cry." The woman wiped her tears and tried to smile at the anonymous kid, then she said, "Thank you. You are so kind. What is your name?" The anonymous kid replied sadly, "I don't have a name." 

The woman wrapped the anonymous kid's neck with the baby wrap cloth in her hand, then she said with a smile, "Kim Minseok... What do you think? Do you like that name? Kim Minseok means a great jade-like stone." The anonymous kid nodded happily. "If you want to know how to write your name, you can see it at the bottom left of the cloth on your neck," the woman added. The anonymous kid said with a happy smile, "My name is Kim Minseok."

T H E   E N D

Thank you for reading my 16th story


Apr 28, 2019

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