Crime Conspiracy

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Luhan laughed then said, "My fake eomma believed everything I said. She even didn't object when I asked her to call me Luhan. I told her that Luhan is a name given by my adoptive parents. She also believed that I lost the baby wrap cloth." Kris laughed.

Suddenly Minju's lawyer showed up and scolded Luhan, "What are you doing here??? Do you want to ruin my plan??? Don't come here until I tell you!!!" Luhan replied calmly, "Take it easy appa. No one will suspicious if I come to your office. You are my eomma's lawyer after all." Luhan and Kris laughed.

Minju's lawyer punched his office table angrily, his hand bled, then he shouted angrily, "How can you both laugh knowing the law firm build by your haraboji (grandpa) will soon go bankrupt???" Luhan and Kris got scared and fell silent. Luhan quickly left his dad's office to return to Jongdae's house.

Minju's lawyer took a deep breath to calm himself, then he asked Kris, "How is your appa?" Kris answered nonchalantly, "My appa is still the same... Can't walk, can't talk and didn't recognize me when I visited him at the hospital." Minju's lawyer said, "That's why you should stop fooling around and get your ass back to college and study seriously so you and Luhan can run this law firm later." Kris quickly left because he didn't want to hear his uncle's nags.

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Baekhyun was shocked when he came home from school, he saw his mom busy packing her luggage. Baekhyun asked, "Eomma, why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be in the hospital?" Baekhyun's mom yelled, "Hurry up! Pack your luggage!!" Baekhyun quickly packed his luggage cluelessly.

The painting gallery owner came an hour later to pick up Baekhyun and his mom. On the way to the airport, Baekhyun asked, "Where are we going in sudden?" The painting gallery owner replied, "HIV can be cured now. There is a survivor from London and we will go to London to heal your eomma."

Baekhyun asked again, "Ahjussi, what about my school?" The painting gallery owner replied, "Don't worry, I have registered you for homeschooling so you can still continue your study from London. It's because your eomma loves you very much, she insisted me to take you with us." Baekhyun's mom replied, "Don''t get the wrong idea. I need someone to help me when you're not around, when you have a painting exhibition."

Baekhyun's mom said, "You'd better study hard or I will send you back to Seoul!" "I understand, eomma," Baekhyun replied while smiling, he was happy because he knew his mom loved him although his mom might not good in expressing her true feelings, but he could feel it, his mom's love.

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7 months later.

Jongdae graduated from high school and he celebrated it with his parents, Minju and Luhan. "Congrats, Jongdae-ah," Luhan said with a smile. "Thank you, Luhan hyung," Jongdae replied with a smile. Minju also congratulated Jongdae.

Jongdae's mom asked Luhan, "How is your homeschooling?" Minju replied, "Luhan is very smart, he reaches high school grade in just a few months." Luhan only smiled. Luhan laughed in his heart because he was actually a college student majoring in law. Luhan took a break from his college to become Minju's son. 

Jongdae's dad said happily, "That's good! Let's send Luhan and Jongdae to the same college!" Everyone nodded in agreement except Luhan. 

Jongdae said enthusiastically, "Luhan hyung, I can't wait to study at college together with you. It must be exciting!" Luhan replied, "I'm sorry... But I don't want to go to college. I want to start my own business." Minju smiled and said, "Okay. Just do it if that's what you want. Eomma will give you 50.000 dollars as a start." Luhan smiled and said, "Thank you, eomma. I love you." Minju smiled happily.

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2 months later.

"♩ ♪ ♫ ♬Happy birthday to you ♩ ♪ ♫ ♬happy birthday to you ♩ ♪ ♫ ♬ happy birthday dear Luhan ♩ ♪ ♫ ♬ happy birthday to you ♪ ♫ ♬," Minju and Jongdae's family sang for Luhan. They celebrated Luhan's 20th birthday at the best restaurant in Seoul booked by Minju. Luhan said, "Woahh this restaurant really serves most delicious dishes!" Seeing Luhan happy, Minju smiled gladly. Jongdae and his family who often ate there only chuckled. 

Jongdae's dad asked Luhan, "How is your business?" "Actually I need more cash to run my business," Luhan replied. Minju said, "Eomma will give you 30.000 dollars." "Thank you, eomma," Luhan replied, he didn't look happy. 

When Jongdae's dad went to the toilet, Luhan intentionally waited in front of the toilet while pretending to talk on the phone to get a loan. Jongdae's dad overheard everything, he asked Luhan when he came out from the toilet, "Do you need more cash?" Luhan nodded. 

Jongdae's dad asked, "How much?" Luhan answered doubtfully and nervously, "One... Hundred... Thousand... Dollars?" Jongdae's dad smiled and said, "Come to my office tomorrow to get the cheque." Luhan quickly bowed to Jongdae's dad and said happily, "Thank you so much, samchon (uncle)!"

Minju took Luhan to her garage when they arrived home. Luhan saw a new Mercedez Benz car. Minju gave Luhan the Mercedez Benz car key and said, "You are 20 now so you can have your own car." Luhan hugged Minju and said happily, "Thank you, eomma. I love you." 

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Minseok was released from the police station. Minseok went to see the house he used to live. The abandoned house had turned into a nice and inhabited house. 

Minseok tried to look for a job while carrying his belonging. When Minseok was crossing the main road, he accidentally saw Kris in Luhan's car that stopped because the traffic light turned red. Minseok quickly approached Luhan's car and knocked Luhan's car while shouting angrily at Kris who was sitting in the driver's seat, "Give me back my money, scammer!!!"

Luhan asked Kris, "Do you still earn money from tricking people? Shame on you." Kris laughed and replied, "I have stopped since I got allowance from you. Btw, I think this guy is perfect for the job because he is dumb. Let him do the dirty work for us." Luhan laughed. Kris lowered the window glass of the car and said to Minseok, "Hey, I'm glad we met again. Wait for me at McDonald's over there. I'll meet you there. I promise." 

Minseok waited for Kris in front of McDonald's. Kris came alone to meet Minseok. Minseok said angrily, "You tricked me!!!" Kris replied calmly, "Why would I trick you only for a few dollars? You've seen my luxury car, right? I didn't lie to you when I told you that I wanted to recruit someone to do easy job with good income. I only tested you and you passed the test."

Minseok asked in doubt, "Really?" Kris said, "This time I will give you the real job." Kris gave Minseok an envelope containing 1000 dollars and said, "I'll give another 1000 dollars after you finish your job." Minseok's hands were trembling when he saw the money in the envelope, he never held that much money in his life.

6 hours later.

Minju slept tightly after drinking a glass of fruit juice mixed with sedatives given by Luhan in the afternoon. Luhan stayed overnight at Jongdae's house to make a good alibi.

Minseok whose heart was blind because of money, sneaked into Minju's house with a knife he bought. When Minseok found Minju's bedroom, he went inside and approached Minju soundlessly. Minseok's heart was pounding and his hand was trembling when he stabbed Minju's chest.

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