Something Lost Something Gained

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Jongdae's mom asked, "Where are you going?" Jongdae's dad ignored his wife and continued packing his luggage. Jongdae's mom asked irritably, "Are you going to live with that woman???" Jongdae's dad ignored his angry wife and called Jongdae to come home and pack Jongdae's luggage.

Jongdae left abandoned house and he saw the dying Baekhyun when his taxi ran past the traditional market. Jongdae and the taxi driver brought Baekhyun into the taxi. Just when taxi wanted to leave, Jongdae saw Minseok. Jongdae called Minseok to get into the taxi, then the taxi ran to the hospital.

Jongdae paid the hospital deposit. Baekhyun was immediately taken to the emergency room. A few minutes later the doctor came out from the emergency room and said, "Patient needs to go under surgery. Please tell the patient's parents to sign the papers needed so we can immediately start the surgery."

Minseok said, "My friend's parents are not here. Can we sign the papers for him?" The doctor answered, "No, you can't because you two are still minors (under legal age)." The doctor left Jongdae and Minseok.

Jongdae said, "I will pay someone to sign the papers." Minseok asked, "Is that okay?" Jongdae replied, "These papers are just formality so the patient and family can't sue the hospital if something goes wrong with the surgery." Minseok waited in front of the emergency room and Jongdae went to the hospital lobby to ask for someone's help.

Baekhyun's mom came to the hospital, bringing her boss who passed out because of heart attack. Baekhyun's mom waited at the hospital lobby when her boss was in the emergency room.

Jongdae approached Baekhyun's mom and said politely, "I'm sorry... Can you help me sign these papers? I need it for my friend's surgery." Baekhyun's mom replied, "We don't know each other. Why should I help you?" Jongdae said, "I'll give you some money in return. Please..."

Baekhyun's mom asked, "How much?" Jongdae felt glad because everyone he asked for help earlier still refused him after they knew Jongdae would give money in return. "1000 dollars but I only have 247 dollars in cash," Jongdae replied. "Okay," said Baekhyun's mom, then she signed the papers without reading it.

Jongdae brought Baekhyun's mom to meet the doctor as Baekhyun's guardian. Minseok was surprised when he saw Baekhyun's mom. After having a few words with the doctor, Jongdae went with Baekhyun's mom to the ATM while Baekhyun was immediately transferred to the operating room and Minseok followed Baekhyun then waited in front of the operating room.

Jongdae was picked up by his dad at the hospital then they went to pick up Minju at her house. Jongdae's dad introduced Jongdae to his aunt and told Jongdae about his grandma. The three of them went to Jongdae's dad's hometown to bury Jongdae's grandma. Minju, Jongdae and his dad stayed at Jongdae's grandma's house for a week.

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Jongdae came to the abandoned house at night to visit Baekhyun. Baekhyun said, "Thank you for taking care of the hospital bills. I will return your money when I have the money." Jongdae replied, "You don't have to pay me back. I'm glad I used the money to save you instead of treating my fake friends."

When Minseok arrived home, Jongdae asked, "Do you guys still remember the woman in her 40s that helped me when I was treated in the hospital?" Minseok asked, "The one with a grandma who always considers of teenage boys as her son?" "Yes, that woman," Jongdae answered. Baekhyun said, "Yes, I remember her."

Minseok asked, "What's wrong with her?" Jongdae said, "It turns out that she is my imo (aunt) and that grandma who was with her is actually my halmeoni." Baekhyun said, "Woahh... I'm shocked. I thought she was your appa's cheating girlfriend." Jongdae said with chuckles, "I also thought the same."

Minseok asked, "Do you guys want to know something more shocking?" Baekhyun and Jongdae asked back curiously, "What??" "The woman who signed the papers for Baekhyun's surgery is actually Baekhyun's eomma." Baekhyun and Jongdae asked in shock, "Really???" Minseok nodded.

Baekhyun asked in disbelief, "How can that be?" Jongdae said to Baekhyun, "Your eomma signed it without knowing that it was for you." Minseok said, "Still, Baekhyun was saved by his eomma." Jongdae said to Baekhyun, "Your eomma is young and beautiful." Baekhyun replied with a smile, "Yes, my eomma is very beautiful and I love her very much. I wish my eomma will love me back someday."

Jongdae said, "I accidentally heard the conversation between my appa and my imo. Apparently they are trying to find my imo's missing son who is 19 years old. Means, I have a cousin around our ages. I hope they can find my cousin immediately so I can introduce my cousin to you two." Baekhyun and Minseok nodded with a smile.

"I need to go home now. See you tomorrow night," said Jongdae, then he left the abandoned house. Before Minseok went to sleep, he torn the food receipt into half and wrote his 2 wishes separately. One for Jongdae to find his lost cousin and the other one was for Baekhyun to be loved by his mom. Then Minseok put those 2 paper cuts into his jar.

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Jongdae's mom who was going to leave Jongdae's dad's office met with Minju who had just come to Jongdae's dad's office, then they had a talk at a nearby restaurant.

Jongdae's mom told Minju that she still loved her husband although she knew her husband had never loved her, she knew that her husband married her only because he was asked by her dad and they only slept together to give her parents a grandchild.

Jongdae's mom told Minju with teary eyes that she preferred her husband to play with random women instead of continuing to see the same woman. Since Minju appeared at the hospital, Jongdae's dad had stopped seeing women randomly.

Jongdae's mom was afraid her husband would divorce her and marry Minju, the only woman her husband often met lately. Jongdae's mom begged Minju to move abroad by offering Minju lots of money.

Minju comforted Jongdae's mom by telling Jongdae's mom that she was actually Jongdae's dad's sister in law and she didn't want to get married again because she really loved her deceased husband. Jongdae's mom went home in relief while Minju returned to Jongdae's dad's office.

"I have a good news for you. Your missing son has been found. He is on his way here with the detective I hired," said Jongdae's dad. "Thank god... Finally I can meet my son after 19 years," Minju said with happy tears rolling down her face.

3 hours later.

A detective came to Jongdae's dad's office with Luhan who was 19 years old. Minju looked at Luhan with teary eyes. Luhan ran to hug Minju and called Minju, "Eomma."

Paper CUTS [EXO-CBX]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora