Chapter Thirty-Two

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Aerity was pissed when the Prince's evil General had informed her that she would not be allowed in the village unless she stopped her "silly escapade" (as he so nicely put it) and if she was caught with so much as a nail in her hand, Damien would make sure she was locked in her room for eternity. When she had flipped out to Siel about it, he said that he tried to dissuade Damien, which only made her care and respect him even more. He also said that he would ensure that the orphanage would be finished without her. It slightly killed her inside that she wasn't able to have any more of a part but she also didn't want to get locked in her room and had no doubt Damien would live up to his threat if pushed. It didn't help to ease her anger though.

The only thing that was alleviating her anger was that she was getting to spend the day with Eli, which she was immensely looking forward to. Aerity's emotion of elation was short lived though, when Eli used his embarrassing term of endearment. "Well hello there, pumpkin pie, you're looking lovely today." She tried to fight back her smile but, in the end lost. With a faux shiver she replied playfully, "I thought that was one of the things we discussed that we would never talk about." He sauntered over to her in his tailored jacket and slacks looking quite debonair and like a bucket of trouble. "Oh, was that among the list?" He said innocently. "I forgot." Then he winked and she rolled her eyes. At least he wasn't telling everyone else about the pumpkin pie incident. Last fall she had entered a pie eating contest, and she would have won too...if she hadn't spent the next 20 minutes throwing up pumpkin. Eli was a trooper though. He held her hair the entire time...that didn't mean he wasn't laughing through it all, though. "Riiiiiiight." She wrapped her arms around his waist as she always did but he hesitated in his signature hand placement. When she glanced up at him, she noticed the indecision marring his face. "What is it?" The look in his returning gaze made her stumble.

"Aer, you're getting married in a few days."

Was that all that had him shaken? "Yes." She stated the obvious as he tossed his head from left to right.

"You don't have to do this Aer. It's not too late. We could go home."

She imagined Serenity and all the other people who were suffering in the street and her heart went out. This may not have been her world, but she did believe they were her people, whether by accident or default. She was brought here for a reason and she would see it through. "Eli, we don't even know how we ended up here. We have no clue how to get back. These people are starving and sick and I can help them. How could I ever turn my back on that?" He knew her reasoning was because of her mom and wouldn't argue with her about trying to do the right thing but his face was strained with warring emotions as he tried to come up with the right words.

"You're too good of a person. Your mother would be so proud of you, ya know that?"

She felt the tears welling up in her eyes.

Stupid tears.

Eli knew her better than anyone, so his words cut straight through her chest. "And your dad. Even though right now he's probably going to every door in the state, trying to hunt you down." Her father had not escaped her thoughts for one second, praying that deep down he somehow knew she was ok. "I miss them both so much it's almost unbearable." So much emotion filtered into those words as Eli squeezed her shoulder.

"I know." Was all he had to say. He understood.

Losing family members was one thing they had in common, but now they shared even more. They were both kicked into another world. Who would have figured?

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