Chapter Twelve

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Aerity was beginning to wonder if she was ever going to find a way home. Guards constantly surrounded her. They barely let her pee without letting her out of their sight and she didn't even want to make mention of the whole island thing. The fact that Siel didn't believe her, burned. She knew it was insane for anyone to believe and she had no right to hold him accountable for it but there was just something about Siel that gave her hope that just maybe he would help her out. Now she wasn't so sure.

 While she was stuck here, she decided to go hunt down the library. Maybe she could find some useful information to help her get out of here, not to mention, she loved to read so it would help kill time and keep her mind from exploding. As she rounded the corner and stood in front of the library door, she heard footsteps coming down the hallway. Curiosity got the best of her and she waited for the person to round the corner.


She sucked in a large breath that caught his attention. She hadn't seen him since the night outside of her room and now his presence seemed to suck all the air from her lungs. His footsteps slowed as he neared her, his presence commanding attention. Piercing eyes crashed into hers like a tsunami. Those eyes proceeded to trail down her body, shooting back up with an amused glint in their depths. His lips looked pinched and she could tell he was holding back laughter. Her eyes narrowed as she glared at him. He was laughing at her dress.

"Do you like my dress?" She decided to call him out on it. He startled. "But then again you must, didn't you pick it out?" She had been annoyed when she had yet again woken up to a butt ugly dress but calmed herself down by being grateful that she had fresh clothes at all. But now seeing that it was all a big joke, her anger flared.At her tone, the smirk vanished from his face and he stood up straighter. In response, she crossed her arms over her chest and stood her ground, refusing to be intimidated.

"I would say you look lovely in it..." His eyes shifted back down. "But we both know that would be a lie." The corner of his mouth tipped up into a sly smile and she wanted nothing more than to cut it off.

 Refusing to let him win, she lifted her chin. "Well," She began opening the library door. "Then maybe I'll just have to remove it and walk around without it on. I'm sure then I would look lovely..." Taking a step towards the door, she could tell the moment he took the bait. Something in her was thrilled at their bickering. Part of her slightly craved his wall antics again and then the sensible side of her brain scolded that idea.

Suddenly her movement was restricted by her arm being held back by tight fingers wrapped around her wrist. "Don't you dare." His presence seemed to awaken her senses. Damien's hand gripped hers and she noticed he had taken a few steps closer to her. His breath fanning across her face as the air around her thinned and her heart took off in a gallop. She met his glare and stepped closer, thrilled by this cat and mouse game they were playing.

"And if I do dare...what are you going to do about it?" Aerity knew she was being childish but she didn't care. The energy between them was fire. Electric. A fix that she couldn't help but take a hit from. She had missed it the last few days and couldn't help but beg for it back. If her end goal was to escape this place, she might as well have some fun in the process.

 A growl escaped his lips as he leaned closer and brushed his lips across her cheek. Her movement stilled as soon as she felt his lips at her ear. The sensation made her body quake. "If you want to be naked so badly, you can happily do so in my room." A chill skidded down her spine as goosebumps trailed her arms. She ached to pull him flush against her, needing to feel his body fastened against hers.Then he opened his stupid mouth and ruined it all. "And if you insist on showing your body off to all my men, then perhaps I need to lock you in there until my return." 

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