Chapter Twenty-Nine

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"She brought an orphan into the castle?" Elias' face was morphed into a stunned expression as if he was trying to figure out a math problem with no answer. "Yes." No one would have known that he stood in the shadows and watched as Aerity fixed up the girl's injured knee. As she spun the tale of her father, he could no longer imagine that it was all a ruse. She seemed so genuine with her words and touches, as if she knew the pain she was feeling and completely sympathized with others' plight.

"And bandaged up her wound?"

Frustration started to seep as Elias repeated everything Damien had just told him. "That's what I just said."

Despite the warning in his voice, Elias still decided to prod on with his incessant questions. "And the girl is sleeping in the castle tonight? With Aerity?"

Exasperated, Damien's words finally expressed his agitated state of mind. "Do you think my answer will change simply because you re-form my words in question form?"

Elias slumped on the chair in front of his desk like he was wiped clean of all will to live. "It has to be a ploy. A game to throw us off guard. Make us trust her and then bam!" He clapped his hands loudly in emphasis. "We are pulled into her lying snare."

"She didn't know I was watching her and Siel is already eating out of her hand. She seems completely genuine." Damien paused as if gathering himself. "She wanted to change our engagement ball into a dinner for the villagers."

Elias eyes bugged out. "You can't be serious." Again, he was repeating himself.

"Dead serious."

Elias huffed out a breath. "That's unnerving."

Gritting his teeth. "Hence why I'm asking for advice."

Elias snorted. "I advise you on war and business affairs, not women. There's a reason I'm still single. They remain a complete mystery to me as well." Setting his face in between his thumb and pointer finger. "But if you're asking my advice, I say you keep an eye on her. Siel has spent the most time with her so far but I think you need to be more involved in her affairs."

Growling Damien hunched over his desk. "You act as if I'm only tasked with the mere job of twiddling my thumbs. Mind you that we are at the brink of war! People are in an upheaval over the fires and attacks and we are still no closer to finding the culprits!"

Rubbing his temples, Elias sat up straighter. "I understand that Damien, but it's important to deal with this too. As much as I'm loath to except it, the wedding will be a major solution to the problem."

Hummph. "Yeah if I can get my brother away from her for two seconds."

It was Elias' turn to grunt. "Your brother is always intrigued by the newest skirt at court. I'm sure he will lose interest in a week's time. Besides, as far as I'm concerned, she has thwarted all his plans. I don't know what changed from last month to now, but she seems like an entirely different person. I don't know what to make of it."

Damien raised his eyebrow. "Are you saying you were wrong about her?" Elias had never admitted to being wrong before. He was a proud sort. "No. I was most certainly correct about her being abrasive and lewd, like some dirty old kitchen scrub brush." Damien almost scoffed at his analogy "...however... the people seem to respond to her for some unknown reason. There may have been some qualities that I lacked to see."

Stunned..shocked...blown off his horse. Elias in his own way was admitting a mistake. Damien tried not to rub it in his face too hard. Well maybe not. "Oh Mighty One, how has your expertise failed us!" Damien wailed in an exaggerated manner as Elias rolled his eyes. "You were once so wise and all knowing! Who will we put our faith in now?!"

Never Back Down (Split Between Worlds Book 1)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang