Chapter Twenty-Three

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"Care for a stroll through the town Princess?" It had been a few days since the attack and hearing Siel's voice soothed something raging inside of her. He always made her smile despite knowing all that had happened. People were on edge and anxious, it wasn't a hard emotion to pick up. Siel's idea had been to go into the village and see if they saw any suspicious activity since Damien refused to let her into the war council meeting...again.

Each day since the attack, Siel greeted her in some way or another to show her another room of the castle or to entertain her with board games. After their battle Aerity had looked at a weapon as a means of survival and not just of play. Obviously, the castle wasn't as safe as she assumed and she was extra cautious around the guards. Baldwin was caught walking outside of the hospital rooms the other night, arguing with the healer. Stubborn mule tried to confirm that he was perfectly alright.

Ignoring Damien's anger, she and Siel had begun running with each other every morning and snuck in practice sessions where they could. It kept her anxiety down and released much tension that she was carrying.

As if the attack wasn't in the forefront of her mind most of the time, thoughts of the wedding still filled her with gloom but Siel brought sunshine to the rainiest day-which it rained here frequently-so it was often. She desperately needed to remember the things in life to be thankful for. It had been a few weeks since she had arrived, and she had still found no way to leave or the memory of how she got there. The words Siel had mentioned to her the night of the attack wouldn't die down either. The attacks started when she first got there. Not her but the Princess. Did the Princess have some connection to the men who got into the castle? Everything made her head spin. She thought being a cop's daughter would help her solve the mysteries surrounding her and yet she was still completely unaware of the truth. There were things she wanted to ask Damien but he wouldn't give her the answers she needed even if he had them. He was determined to keep her in the dark. Not to mention that he had yet to seek her out again, to the point that she was beginning to wonder if he even resided in the castle at all.

They began walking out of the castle but Siel took a detour towards the ocean. She didn't complain though, following closely behind. She didn't want to bring up Damien but it bothered her that he was never around. Most of her time was spent with Siel and that was wonderful but it was also a little aggravating. How would her feelings for the sod ever grow if he was never there to get to know.

"You ready for that stroll through town?"

On their way through the town square, Siel placed his hand on her lower back. As close as they were, she still had to keep boundaries. Developing feelings wouldn't help either of them in this situation and when he sent her soft caresses, it was near impossible to resist the tug of her heart strings.

"You best be removing your hand, lest you want it to be cut off." They had a moment by the water but that was all it was. A moment and she needed to continually remind herself that that moment needed to stay in the past and remain insignificant. She didn't know who she was trying to fool though. It certainly wasn't herself.

Letting the threat hang in the air, she walked a little faster to avoid his touch and the emotions it brought with them.

They had grown accustomed to playful banter back and forth and developed a comfortable companionship. He didn't seem too keen on the distance because he came right back in her space, bent in close so his breath was warm on her neck and made her hair stand on end. "We all know you want me to touch you Princess, don't play coy." His playful smile caused one to form on her own face but she stamped it down.

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