Chapter Thirty

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When Aerity woke the next day, she rolled over, momentarily forgetting that she had company in her bed. Serenity's lips were slightly parted as a soft wheeze slipped out of her mouth as she slept. Her hair was splayed across her eyes in an unruly mess, fingers tucked under her chin, pressing her cheek up in a squished ball. Aerity used her finger to gently brush her locks out of her eyes and she couldn't help but smile. The urge to protect this girl surged through her as she inspected more of the girl's face. The desire to hold her and keep her safe, struggled to drown her. Last night when Siel picked her up, the little girl curled her arms into his chest and nuzzled his neck. A hot guy with a child was the sexiest thing ever and yet she couldn't help but wish that Damien had come out instead. He was who she was supposed to marry. He seemed to avoid her like the plague and she wanted to get to know him. She already knew what this marriage would mean to the people, and yes, he had been a real tool so far, but she wanted to see if he was someone she could grow to love. Siel was charming and sweet. He made her laugh and defended her. Everything she could possibly want and yet there was one small thing missing.

Siel had her heart. She cared immensely for him already, but she didn't feel the burning spark in her chest when he was near. That first time she had seen Damien, her entire body buzzed with awareness. Just thinking about his body pressed up against hers had her heart pounding. Getting lost in thought, it took her a moment to realize that someone was knocking at her door. Lightly getting out of bed, careful not to wake Serenity, she padded over to the door. Creaking it open she came face to face with a familiar face. One she hadn't been expecting to see. It wasn't her Elias though, it was the General.

Frowning she glanced at him and at the 4 Guards he had flanking him. "What's the meaning of this? It's early and Serenity's sleeping." She demanded.

His menacing eyes lit with glee that made her stomach flip. "That is why we are here. It is time the girl left the castle." Aerity wanted to smack Elias for the haughty tone of his voice. Stepping out of the room and closing the door behind her so as not to disturb Serenity, Aerity ignored the fact that she was still in her night clothes and crossed her arms over her chest. It didn't escape her attention how many guards' eyes drifted lower.

"First of all, the girl has a name." Clicking her fingers in the air. She was so not in the mood for more bull crap. "Secondly, she's not going anywhere." She didn't like the smug smile that appeared on Elias's face. "I thought you might say that, hence the reinforcements." Motioning around him to the guards. "I know you took out 2 Guards before Princess, but I think 4 is a little much for just you to handle." Glancing at all the Guards, she forced them to look in her eyes as she spoke. "You want me to throw out an orphan onto the streets when we have a giant castle that can fit the whole bloody village?" They had the decency to at least look at the ground with shame. Elias ignored her reasoning and kept chugging. "That is beside the point. She is instructed to leave." She curled her fists at her side ready for a fight. "I'm the freakin Princess! I don't take orders from you." That smug smile grew even bigger. "Not from me Your Highness, but you do take orders from the future King."


Damien wanted Serenity to leave? He could be a brute sometimes, but would he really want to kick out an orphan? She couldn't imagine the man who heated up her blood could be that cold. "I don't believe you. I'll take the matter up with him." Elias stepped even closer to her to block her exit. "He demanded not to be disturbed so either you escort the girl out or the guards will, you choose." Anger coursed through her veins. "I swear to god, you lay one finger on that girl and I'll...."

"you'll do what Princess? Hire guards to tie me to Damien's bed? These guards won't be swayed by your charm." They still believed she wasn't the one to knock out the two guards. Even after seeing her fight, how much they seemed to underestimate her. "You don't know who you're messing with Elias. I would tread very carefully if I were you." His smile could have left the grim reaper running for the hills. "And neither do you. I won't coddle you like the others. I'm not afraid to get rough. Do not push me. Now, will you escort the girl...or will they?" The guards all eyed her with caution.

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