Chapter Eight

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As soon as she closed the door to the bedroom, her body revolted in the idea of turning its back on Damien. Everything about her screamed cardiac arrest from her thumping heart to the sheen of sweat rippling over her skin. It had taken every ounce of control she possessed to flip him out of his alpha position. He had been seconds away from kissing her.

No. Kissing was too weak of a word.

He was about to dominate her.

The hungry look in his eye almost ate her alive and with how much she thrived off his touch already, there was no denying that one kiss would have made her gladly surrender her mind, body and soul. Her skin still vibrated with the memory of him gripping her skirts like a plea and it was oh so tempting to give in and let him do what he wanted with her but then she remembered what he had said to her and the demeaning way he tried to invoke her obedience.

Mya would always talk about the guys on the force treating her differently because of being a woman, that was, until she beat the mess out of them. But even then, Mya had fought for respect each and every day. Something in the way the prince demanded things of her set Aerity's blood boiling but then his body pressed up against hers had set other things aflame. Not that she would admit that to anyone. She had no desire to be another conquest on his list or be the submissive little ninny that he was most likely looking for. So as much as she may have wanted him to kiss her, that stupid little voice in her head wouldn't shut up. It kept repeating his words over and over again. She was nobody's doll. No matter how much his touch affected her.

She knew it was dangerous, seeing as though she still didn't know where she was or how she got there. For all she knew, she could have legitimately travelled through time. Releasing a puff of laughter at that thought, she scoffed. Yeah right. Like that was possible. Well she didn't make a very good first impression with the prince, whoever that was. Oh well. That will teach him to treat her like an invalid. She was more than capable of taking care of herself, which she had to do now. Not to mention that she needed time to cool her jets. Her body still buzzed with left over adrenaline from his presence. She couldn't remember the last guy who had affected her so severely. It didn't bode well with her.

 It wasn't that late, not that she would know what time is was because the castle didn't have any blasted clocks anywhere. These people were insane. Not only that, but who wears dresses 24/7? Dear lord, what she wouldn't do for a pair of skinny jeans right now.

Wondering if the guards made a post at her door yet, she quietly tiptoed to the door. Bending down to see between the cracks, shadows of boots flickered in and out of view as the candle light shifted in all different directions. Which meant there were guards outside her door. Cursing silently to herself, she made her way back in the room to look for another exit. She could take out the guard and be back by the time he woke up but she wanted to avoid any unnecessary risks. She always heard of castles as having secret passageways hidden behind tapestries or trap doors appearing by shifting a book out of place. It would be freaking cool to find one, but then again, there was always the window. Trudging over to look outside, her heart sank. She had to be about 15 stories up. Did they choose the tallest flipping level to trap her on? Someone was definitely trying very hard to ensure she didn't escape. Cough cough...Damien. My my Somebody is quite insecure. Although there was nothing insecure about how he had held her like a lifeline. Aerity had no doubt that he knew what to do with those hands. Nope. No insecurity on that account. Geez, she needed to focus. Her and her libido needed to have a little chat and get on the same page.

 Her gaze traveled over the room looking for any kind of bookshelves or tapestries but there was nothing out of the ordinary. In fact, she hadn't noticed before just how bare the walls were. Really, someone needed to teach these boys some decorating skills. That was always her favorite part of a new apartment. She moved around a lot simply because she got antsy and wanted a new change. Each apartment got decorated differently. They were each a new stepping stone to be added onto her journey. Her mother had died when she was young, which was probably why Mya had taken her under wing. Heaven forbid her father get taken from her as well.

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