Chapter Twenty-Two

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"Ok so I know he's an ass...but seriously...look at that ass..." The next morning Carly and her had snuck out to the training yard to watch the guys train. It took everything in her, not to join in on their fighting. She knew Damien would never allow it, which only forced her desires to expand. He could never know about her practicing with Siel or he would put a stop to it. She had arrived back to the dinner with her hair a mess and a glaze of sweat on her body. No one said a word. The only hint that anyone noticed was the fact that Elias' eyes glared disappointingly at her when he told her Damien retired to his room early. She didn't care what Elias thought of her though. His opinion was already askew and she was thrilled Damien went to bed because that meant she could leave the stuffy dinner early and wouldn't hear a lecture about her running off with Siel. But she wasn't stupid enough to know Elias wouldn't blab so she told Carly what had happened that morning, and that led to them seeking Damien out. It was an added bonus that he happened to be training and they happened to get an eyeful of his one redeeming attribute-his body.

Aerity had to laugh at Carly's appreciation of their view. The more time they spent together, Carly had picked up expressions from her world. She was partial to all the curse words, of course. If Aerity witnessed her calling someone a giant steaming pile of horse shit again, she was going to pee herself from laughter.

After last night, Aerity wanted so badly to deny her attraction to Damien but she couldn't. The man was simply sex on a stick, even after the disaster of the evening. Still, the jolt of excitement that suddenly zipped through her was uncontrollable, watching him train. Glistening skin, metal sword in hand, hair touseled from sweat and movement. His foot work was trained, controlled, and utterly ruthless, swiping and blocking his partner's blows. Hard cut abs glowed with moisture, biceps that rippled from the strenuous battle.

"Your mother would whip you with a cowbell if she heard that come out of your mouth." Aerity mused.

Carly snorted. "How dare you bring my mother into this while I'm busy examining a perfectly good male specimen. Besides, she wouldn't know what I was even saying." The combined effect of her wicked grin and conspiring face was menacing. Aerity playfully bumped her shoulder. "Watch yourself. That's my fiancé you're talking about here."

Carly shot her an incredulous look. "Oh, I see. You're one of those girls."

"What girls?"

"The ones who don't want the guy but don't want anyone else to look either." Carly whined.

Aerity picked up on the playful tone in her friend's voice and teased back. "Of course, don't you know how that works. Siel is mine too."

Carly pouted. "That's so not fair. You need to pick one."

"Nope, they are both mine."

She scowled but then perked up. "Is there anyone that you don't claim?"

Trying her best to keep a straight face, Aerity bit her lip. "There's always Daniel."

Carly shot her a glare. "So generous of you." She dropped her false cheer. "How about someone not still potty training?"

A thought popped in Aerity's head and her eyes lit with excitement. "Oh my God! Elias!" As soon as the name was out of her mouth, a bolt of homesickness jolted through her. Eli wasn't here. The thought made her eyes water.

"You better not be referring to the General. Not even his good looks make up for that personality."

"No, the Eli from my world. He's completely different. My best friend." Taking in the change of mood, Carly cocked her head to the side. "You miss him." It wasn't a question, but Aerity answered it anyway. "Yeah."

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