"Okay, now what?" He asked, still looking at her.

 "Now you look at the clouds and try to find shapes in them. I'll show you...that one looks like an ice cream cone!" She said, as she pointed at a cloud. "You try, it's easy."

 They lay on their backs for a while talking, laughing and finding shapes in the clouds. He had almost completely forgotten about their talk, until Rose brought it up.


 "Yeah, baby girl?" Dean replied smiling, staring at the sky.

 "Do...do you still love us?" She asked quietly, Dean closed his eyes and sighed sadly, before he opened them and looked at her.

 "Come here." Dean said gently, as he held his arm out to her, she quickly cuddled into him and he sighed again, as he wrapped his arm around her comfortingly. "I love all of you so much and nothing will ever change that, we're a family; nothing means more to me than family."

 "I...I heard your fight." She said sadly, as she buried her face in his neck and began playing with his shirt.

 "I know and I'm so sorry that you did." He said gently, as he held her tighter and kissed the top of her head. "Listen, families fight, kiddo, but that doesn't mean they don't love each other." He added, as he began playing with her hair.



 "Who's Keeper and why do the others hate him so much?"

 "You see, Keeper's a Vamp like me and Zander, but he's a very bad one. He works for Vassago and that's why we hate him so much."

 "Oh, so why are you working with him then?"

 "Sometimes, to win a war you have to do things that you don't like and this is one of them. I'm doing this because I have to, not because I want to." He explained.

 "Dean are...are you scared?"

 "Yeah, kid, I' am." Dean answered quietly.

 "You are?" She asked shocked, as she sat up. "You get scared?"

 "Yep." Dean replied, as he sat up too. "It's okay to be scared; everyone gets scared sometimes, even me."

 "What are you scared of?"

 "A lot of things actually." Dean answered sighing. "I'm scared that I won't be able to stop Vassago, I'm scared of my powers, but what scares me the most though, is losing my family."

 Without saying anything, Rose suddenly climbed onto Dean's lap and hugged him tightly. He closed his eyes and held onto her just as tight, this was exactly what he needed to remember why he was fighting this war. He was fighting for love, he was fighting for family!


 Roman sat silently on the edge of his bed staring at the wall, his heart broken into a million pieces. He had locked himself in his room not long after Dean and Rose had left, needing to be alone. He couldn't stop thinking about their fight with Dean, how he truly felt like they didn't love or trust him. When the fight first happened, he couldn't believe that Dean thought those things, but now that he's had time to think; time to really think, he realized that Dean had been right! He felt horrible about it, Dean was sacrificing everything; including his damn life, to save the world...to save them and they've never truly fully supported him. Yeah, they did follow him into battle and they all trusted him with their lives, but there had always been questions and doubts before they did.

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