The Birthday One Shot

Depuis le début

"I will. Because clearly being thirty has made you tired. I can't believe a hockey game and dinner wore you out so much that you're spending the night in, Bren."

"We just had dinner and drinks!"

"I'm messing with you Brendon. You were doing a lot of yelling earlier."

"They were making shitty plays, Ryan! What the fuck was I supposed to do?!"

"Aw, there you go again. Getting mad for stupid sports reasons. You're so adorable." Ryan plopped on the couch next to him and kissed Brendon on the cheek. He also decided to just stick his fork into Brendon's cheesecake and eat that and totally ignore his own.

Brendon swatted at him, not having any of that, and retaliated by taking an even bigger chunk than his boyfriend had taken from his plate, from Ryan's plate and popping it in his mouth.

"Am I supposed to be phased by that?" Ryan asked. Then he leaned in and kissed Brendon, even managing to slip his tongue into Brendon's mouth since Brendon was sort of off guard from stealing and eating Ryan's cheesecake. Brendon quickly forced himself to swallow.

Ryan lingered and kissed him and Brendon momentarily forgot the dessert while Ryan was doing so.

"You taste like chocolate." Ryan grinned when he pulled away.

"You're disgusting. I was chewing Ry."

"Really, Brendon? I've had worse from you in my mouth." Ryan kissed him on the corner of his lips again. "And you've had worse from me."

Brendon rolled his eyes. "You're disgusting. Just hand me the remote."

"What? No arguing with me for who gets the remote?" Brendon said around another mouth full of chocolate cheesecake when Ryan passed the remote to him, eyes widened in faux shock. "You're not gonna bitch at me about my "weird indie shit?"

"It's your birthday. I sat through a Kings game. I can eat cheesecake with you and sit through a couple of badly made independent films."

"No. I think you're just trying to get lucky." Brendon sat his plate that wasn't even half eaten yet on the coffee table so he could begin scrolling through Netflix, calling Ryan's bluff.

Ryan followed suit, an "up to no good" glint in his eyes. "That would be a bonus. But I think you already want me to get lucky."

"Why is that?" Brendon remained expressionless just to mess with Ryan as he selected a movie that he had recently been added to "his weird indie section" that he had wanted to watch but hadn't gotten around to watching yet. He didn't notice the way Ryan was inching toward him so he could grab his ankle.


"Ryan! What the fuck?!" Brendon demanded during the short grapple he had with Ryan that ended with Ryan having both of Brendon's ankles firmly underneath one arm and Brendon flat on his back.

"Because," Ryan teasingly pushed the denim of Brendon's skinny jeans up the inch and a half or so they would move, which exposed more of the silk from the thigh highs Brendon had put on under them that morning, the thigh highs that had not let themselves be forgotten about by Ryan every time he looked at Brendon during the game that afternoon. "Because you put these on this morning."

Ryan raked a finger slowly over the underside of Brendon's foot and Brendon visibly squirmed.

Ryan moved his fingertips a little faster and Brendon giggled before he could help it. "Aw, does that tickle, Brendon?"


"You're so cute, Brendon."

"Ryan, seriously!" Brendon giggled and twisted around but his boyfriend was not stopping with the tickling.

"Ryan, it's my birthday-"

"I know. That's why I have to tease you like this, huh Bren?"

"Ryan! Come on!"

"Just have to tie you up later and tickle you and eat that cheesecake off of you."

Brendon was really squirming now as Ryan stroked his instep. "Ryan!"

"Yes, you're going to be saying "Ryan" a lot. Moaning it more likely."

"Ryan! Let me eat my cake or I swear I'll fucking-"

Ryan, still tickling Brendon's feet, was weighing his options of doing that or keeping Brendon looking cute for a few more minutes as Dottie sniffed her way over to the coffee table.

"Dottie! Don't!" Brendon squealed as their dog went right for the chocolate frosting, not able to focus on swinging his arm out to get Dottie to leave it alone on account of Ryan's tickling antics.

That got Ryan's attention. He released Brendon's feet.

"Hey get away from that!" Ryan shooed their dog away just in time, and Penny and Bogart who seemed to be trailing her. "Are you guys crazy?! That's chocolate!"

Brendon almost couldn't believe himself but the urge to finish the massive pile of cheesecake in front of him won out over exacting the revenge of leaning over and digging his fingers into Ryan's ribcage.

He pulled the plate back into his lap and just as he was about to start eating again, Ryan pinched a glob off of his plate and smeared it over Brendon's mouth.

"Ryan! What the hell?!"

Ryan shrugged innocently, moved in close, barely avoiding the sticky cake, and softly nibbled Brendon's chocolate covered lower lip.
Brendon globed some of the cake on to his fingertips and smeared it on Ryan's cheek. "You're an idiot." He informed him, grinning stupidly.

"I love you Brendon." Ryan kissed him lightly again, ignoring Brendon. "Here." This time he stuck his fork into the cake and held it out to his boyfriend and Brendon ate what he offered.

Ryan cupped his face and captured him in another open mouth kiss as soon as Brendon had swallowed. "I love you Bren. Happy birthday, babe."

okay I've said it a lot but fuck, Brendon is 32 today?! I could still mistake him for a 5 year old. Anyways I love him & hope he has a great birthday. 😲💗

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