By Small and Simple Things (1)

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By Small and Simple Things

Aug 11, 2009 16:16

Title: By Small and Simple Things
Author: selectivelyurie
Beta: the_randomistmy_obsession_xxalphabetatoast (and a few others)
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Ryan/Brendon
POV: Third
Summary: And there’s no way that Skittle is currently hoisted above the head of a tiny little brown-haired man who is pressing the mouse away with his foot and shrieking in frantic whispers... No, it’s just not possible. Except it is.
Disclaimer: I really wish Brendon Urie was five inches tall. Sadly, he is not.
Author Notes: This started out as something completely indulgent - and it still is - but after I sent the first part to behindthec, it became obvious I was writing for both of us. Colin, bb, this is for you ♥ (And thanks to the_randomist for helping me with the title.) 

When they pick Jon up at the airport, Spencer has one of those really ridiculous movie moments where his smile is almost sickeningly wide and his eyes are practically sparkling. It takes him four seconds to cross the terminal to Jon and when he all but tackles him with a hug, Jon let’s out a groan threaded with laughter and gratitude and tucks his face into Spencer’s neck. Ryan lets them have their moment but can’t fight off the grin stirred by seeing Spencer smile that bright; it gets him every time. 

Spencer allows Ryan rights to an easy Jon Walker hug for a few moments and Ryan lets himself be tugged forward into Jon’s arms. 

“I brought you bastards something,” is the first thing Jon says and Spencer punches him in the arm. 

It’s not unlike Jon to come from Chicago bearing gifts - books, movies, clothes (scarves, if Ryan’s lucky), even a few extra bags of his favorite kind of coffee “because everything tastes better in Chicago” - but when he drops down to his knee and pulls out two boxes from his small rolling suitcase, Ryan is surprised to see it’s more than just commodities. 

“Here,” Jon says and thrusts a box eagerly at Spencer. It’s wrapped. In birthday wrapping paper, no less, and Spencer’s birthday isn’t for another four months. Jon shrugs, “Just be thankful it wasn’t that day’s newspaper.” 

Spencer laughs and tears into it as Jon hands Ryan a slightly smaller box, which, oddly enough, is wrapped in newspaper. Ryan looks from the box to Jon, back to the box and then laughs, “What the fuck, Jon?” and turns the box over in his hand. 

“It’s high time you learned to stop being so high maintenance, Ross. Just shut up and open it.” The grin on Jon’s face is playful and goodhearted and Ryan’s just got one finger beneath the clear scotch tape before Spencer explodes with laughter, wrapping paper crinkling as he tucks the garbage beneath his arm. 

“Jon, oh my god. I cannot -” Spencer says around his giggles. He stares at his brand new electric razor and all out beams up at Jon. 

“I’m tired of you using mine every time I come visit, you ass,” Jon says, peeling a stray piece of tape off the side the box with an impish smile. Spencer says, “Thank you, Jon. Really,” and Jon looks at Ryan who is still standing with a newspaper cube and a small smile. “Well, open it,” Jon urges, waving his hands at Ryan. 

He takes two good tears at the paper and is met with the dulled, slightly scratchy surface of a brown wooden box. 

“Isn’t it cool?” Jon asks as Ryan takes the paper completely off and holds the small box in the palm of his hand. It’s about seven inches long and four inches wide and the top of the lid is engraved with weaving vines and wrapping branches of trees reaching out to a few very worn flowers in the center. There are a few flecks of gold visible through the almost rusted metal lining the rim of the lid and the bottom of the box and Ryan runs his fingers over it carefully. 

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