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The remainder of dinner went without a hitch or any further advances from Monica — thankfully. After the bill was paid we headed home.

"What are your plans for tomorrow?" I asked her as I turned left at a light and headed onto the freeway.

I saw her lift and drop her shoulders from the corner of my eye.

"I'm guessing you don't have any." I added with a half grin.

"Apart from working on my homework for world religion. Not to mention outlining my finals project for world history. Absolutely no plans."

"Good, because I need at least two hours of your time." I said, removing my right hand from the steering wheel and placing it on her knee.

"And are you going to confide in me what the plans are?" She asked me.

Taking the off ramp I slowed to a stop at the red light and turned to face her. Lifting my hand I grazed her cheek.

"Yeah, when we arrive at the destination of said plans. The longer I keep you in the dark, the better." I teased before giving my attention back to the light just as it turned green.

"I'd beg you to tell me, but it would just be a complete and utter waste of time, so moving forward." She said as nonchalantly as possible, causing me to laugh.

"Well at least you know it would have been a waste of time." I cleared my throat. "So, on a more serious note, I have a business trip opportunity. I normally wouldn't attend, because I hate flying, but if you wanted to go-"

"-When?" She asked, eagerly, cutting me off.

"Shortly after the trimester ends. You wouldn't be missing any classes, so I figured I'd invite you since Paris didn't happen."

Thea Rose chuckled. "Yeah, that was too last minute. I wanted to go, believe me, but I'm a planner."

"Yeah, I've seen your Happy Planner." I laughed. "You have the next decade planned out."

"-And you don't?"

"Where my company is involved, something along those lines, but for my personal life..." I trailed off. "There normally isn't a reason to. My life isn't so much of a life as it is a duty. It's my duty to take over my fathers company, my duty to eventually wed with a tasteful women born into business class, and then to procure the next male to take over the company after myself."

Thea Rose let out a breath. "Sounds predictable. Not to mention, stressful."

"Because it is."

Pulling into the driveway of Judah's mansion I put the car into park. As I reached for the door handle Thea Rose stopped me.

"I know you absolutely hate therapeutic like questions, but if you could choose a different path... different future, what would it be? What do you see?" She asked me.

My eyes trained on her delicate hand on my forearm before my eyes flitted up to meet hers. For a moment I melted into her gaze.

Truth-be-told all I wanted was her. For a while now, that has been the truth. I wanted to care for her, be the one that helped ease her pain. I wanted to be the person that put a smile on her face, and helped fulfill her dreams.

But none of that mattered, or at least it shouldn't, because I had one future and Thea Rose couldn't be a part of it, right?

Shaking my head I reached back for the door and slipped out of the car.

"I had a nice dinner with you." She said before we parted our ways in the foyer.

Once I closed my bedroom door behind myself I went over to the bed and laid down, staring at the ceiling. What was I doing with Thea Rose?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2019 ⏰

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