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Later that night I ordered in pizza. As I was setting the pizza box on the counter in the kitchen my mother entered the room.
Holding my breath in anticipation, I moved to grab a plate so I could get a few slices. "Judah called a while ago." She began.
Lifting a slice of pizza to my mouth I took a bite and chewed slowly, my eyes trained
on the floor.
"He's not very happy." She added.
Since he had yet to come try to kill me I doubt he found out about what we did last
night. So the only other plausible reason he had to be angry was the condition Thea was in today.
"Levi, you should know better. Letting her push herself like that knowing it would cause her a great deal of pain, that's just irresponsible."
Opening the fridge I grabbed a can of ale and popped the top. "Irresponsible is letting me look after someone who has health problems. Especially since you say I am selfish and do not care about anyone other than myself." I said nonchalantly and then took a drink.
"Don't be ridiculous, Levi Alexander."
I took another sip. "You know, its irony at its finest how the people who seem to care so much about her don't give a flying fuck about what she truly wants or even care to ask." I rose my drink in a mock toast. "Cheers."
Grabbing my plate I left the kitchen and headed upstairs. As I closed my bedroom door and started towards my sitting area I froze. Nia was sitting there.
"Not in the mood!" I snapped. "Please remove yourself from my room."
As she stood to her feet and started in my direction I thought I was in the clear, but instead of passing me to leave she stopped in front of me.
"Why are you always treating mom and I like shit?" 36
Rolling my eyes I let out a laugh before I went over to my couch and took a seat. "This is a joke, right?"
Nia let out an exasperated sigh before she slowly shook her head. "No, Levi. It's not a joke. It's never been a joke."
"Well it obviously not the fact that you guys have avoided me for the vast majority of my adolescent years. And the bullshit excuses to why you and mom were never there for any of my school shit. Why should I care about you guys when you clearly do not care about me?"
"You are as stupid as you look if you think we do not care about you, Levi."
Sighing I set my plate on my table and rose to my feet. There was no way in hell I was going to sit here and listen to this shit.
I honestly do not know why I put up with it at all. I had more than enough money to get an apartment of my own.
"What are you doing?" She asked as I headed towards the door.
"Well, what I wanted to be doing was enjoying my pizza, and then you brought your bullshit emotions into my room. And for what? The only thing you managed to achieve was making my pizza taste bad." I snapped.
"Levi, where are you going?" Nia asked as I walked past her to the door and opened it.
"This is me terminating whatever this sorry excuse of a conversation was." I paused as I crossed the threshold. "I'd tell you to have a good day, but I honestly hope your day is complete shit."
I didn't pay any attention to where I was going. When I put my car into park I was shocked that I made it here in one piece, especially when I practically checked out the entire drive.
Turning off my car I hesitantly got out and headed inside. I could hear Judah in the living room on the phone with someone talking about pain management so I made a beeline straight through the kitchen to Thea's room.
Pausing as I closed the door behind myself I looked over to where she lay asleep in her bed. As I moved towards the window seat by her bed I glanced down at her.
Even with the dark circles under her under her eyes, the sheen of sweat the coated her face, and her hair in tangles around her head she still somehow managed to be more appealing to me than any girl I had met in the club.
How was that possible, though? In order for a woman to be beautiful she had to be flawlessly perfect. Right?
I sat down on the window seat with my back against the wall and pulled my legs up so I could rest my arms on my knees. With my head resting on my arms I watched her.
Every now and then I'd sit up attentive as a whimper escaped her lips.
"Man. I'm taking this job think way too seriously." I muttered to myself.
Or was it something else?
I shook any further thoughts from my mind and then turned my head in the opposite
direction to stare out into the backyard where the pool was. 37
Behind Those Green Eyes

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