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Monday morning I was waken by the sound of my alarm clock blaring some comedic radio-show. Silencing it I rose from my bed and went into the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face.

After I got dressed in my usual dark colored attire I headed downstairs to grab an energy drink from the fridge before I headed out the door just as I heard my mother begin to stir.

I wanted to avoid any confrontation with her. Ever since my father passed away it was like she felt bad for me and started trying to bond with me or something. Though that ship had sailed years ago when she decided that she never had time for me, but somehow always managed to find time for Nia.

My car was one of my most prized possessions that used to belong to my father. I remembered going with him to the Mercedes Benz dealership the day he got he. It was between a red mercedes benz g-wagon, a white one, or a black one. He let me choose and I picked the black and that is what he got.

Blinking, I brought myself back down to earth long enough to regain my focus, start the car and be on my way. Last thing I needed was to give Judah a reason to take everything from me.

I arrived to the University ten minutes before I was due to meet with Judah at his office. Because his office was far from the alumni parking area I ended up having to run just to get there on time.

"Ahh, nice for you to join us Levi." He greeted me just as the clock changed to nine.

"The feeling isn't mutual." I mumbled as I brushed past him into his office.

Without a word I took a seat in the only unoccupied chair - the girl Thea I would be keeping an eye on was in the other.

"Forgive Levi, Thea, he has a certain charm about him where he just seems to forget that there is such a thing as having respect and manners." Judah said as he took a seat behind his desk in his fancy leather chair.

"I don't forget. I just don't care, there is a difference." I snapped. "Anyways, everyone always claims that I have this attitude so I might as well live up to their expectations, right?"

Ignoring my comment, Judah slid two folders over -one to me and one to Thea.

"Schedules, expectations, doctors appointments... Everything is listed in the folder I just gave you. Thea, same for you. Your schedule, Levi's schedule, my schedule. Emergency numbers, Levi's numbers-"

"Jesus Christ, what the fuck, I thought I was just taking her to classes." I glanced in her direction.

"You are... along with a list of other things. Levi, this university doesn't run itself. I work Monday through Friday from the butt crack of dawn until just before dusk."

"And what did you do before then? How did you take care of Thea?"

"She lived with her parents on the west coast."

"Then why couldn't she have gone to school there? Her parents could have continued doing what they did."

"Uncle Judah, I can take care of myself. I promise." She said, gaining another glance from me.

"See? She said she could take care of herself."

"You aren't getting out of this deal. You know the consequences." He spoke firmly.

"Thea if you need anything during my office hours he's your man to call. If you have any issues with him then let me know."

I sat back and stared at my hands in my lap as he continued talking about her schedule, her doctors appointments, what to do in the case of a medical emergency and more stuff that made my eyes glaze over.

Until The Last Petal Falls - A bad boy romanceDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora