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Taking a seat on the edge of my bed I let out a sigh as I looked around at the room laid out in front of me. My room.

A knock on the door pulled my attention and I looked up to see Judah there, his hands in his slacks.

"Thanks again, for letting me move in here." I said as I stood up. "I just couldn't live there anymore. Not after everything." I cleared my throat.

My original plan was to move into my own apartment, but Thea Rose let it slip to Judah and after weighing the pro's and con's he managed to weasel me into moving in with him.

Judah joined my side, placing a hand on my shoulder as he looked me in the eye. "I'm sorry for what you are going through, Levi, but I do want to express how proud I am of you."

I made a face. "Why?"

"The old Levi ran straight to the bottle and ended up in a bar fight for a hell-of-a-lot less than what you are currently going through." He clapped me on the shoulder before pulling me in his arms in an awkward hug.

"Um... Thanks, I guess."

"Yep." He said, releasing me and taking a step back. "Like I said before, make yourself at home and if you need to talk I am here."

Nodding my head I turned my back on him and went over to the over-sized window that overlooked the backyard.

From the view of the pool I knew I had to be right above Thea Rose's room. I wondered what she was doing, right now. Glancing at my watch, the time read just after noon-thirty.

My stomach growling reminded me that I had yet to eat lunch so I headed back downstairs to the kitchen to make a sandwich.

"Perfect timing, I was just coming upstairs to let you know I was going into town, I need to run some errands. I won't be gone for no longer than two or three hours tops."

I rose an eyebrow to him. "What are you doing, getting your vagina waxed." I laughed.

Judah nudged my shoulder playfully. "Keep it up and I'll shave your entire head in your sleep."

"Bet." I sneered, a large smirk on my face.

Judah reached out and ruffled my hair before heading out the door. Sighing I turned my back and went to the fridge to grab the fixings for a ham and cheese.

"Hey." Thea Rose called as she came into the kitchen, a slight gait to her walk.

Sitting at the counter I took a bite of my sandwich. "Do you think it's a good idea to be on your feet?" I asked, after I swallowed my mouthful.

"Today is one of my good days, Levi Alexander." She teased. "And I plan on taking advantage of that."

My eyes locked on her beautiful body as she made her way over to me, a sultry smile turning up the corners of her beautiful thick pout.

"I know my uncle is gone for the next couple hours. That means we-" she began, as she place her hands on my thighs, "-have the entire house to ourselves."

I could feel the heat building as the blood began flowing between my legs. The front of my jeans growing tighter by the second.

Reaching my hand up I grazed her cheek. "Not now, love." I said, going against everything my body wanted to do to her.

A frown hit her face from my rejection that made me feel uneasy.

"Hey, hey, hey." I reached out for her and gently pulled her into my arms as she started to run away. "I want you, Thea Rose, believe me. I just have something I need to take care of today."

Until The Last Petal Falls - A bad boy romanceWhere stories live. Discover now