XII - Code: KEY

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Project SAVE, Code: KEY is also known as Misaki Natsume, 16 years of age, grade 10 student of Holy Augustus International Virtual Academy. She is the daughter and only child of Makio Natsume, CEO and owner of Dream Technologies Corporation and the late Mariah Natsume, a personnel of the same company.

Based on intel reports, Makio Natsume is an adopted child of the founder of Future Technologies Corporation, R.C. Campbell.

According to the history of Future Tech, R.C. Campbell is a physicist and works as a professor in a university. He is married with Jenny Campbell and has two kids, Eliazar Jaime Campbell, who now took over the company, and Elisa Chloe Campbell who, according to some rumors, gone missing after her 18th birthday and was never found.

He adopted Makio, who is a homeless teenager back then, when he went to Japan for a research presentation.

He is fond of inventing things related to technologies. When he retired at the age of 56, he founded his own company the Future Technologies Corporation, hired his former colleagues, and presented his very first Future Full-Device with Future Network-System Drive and Free Tour to the Virtual Earth.

After that, the world has changed and the Era of Virtual Invasion began.

Makio, after graduating in college, settled back in Japan and started his own company under his father's supervision. He got married and had a child.

On Misaki's 14th birthday, also marks the 19th founding of the Future Tech, the weak R.C. Campbell gave a secret gift on Misaki's avatar. Based on intel reports, it is the key code to shutdown the Virtual World. Only RC and Misaki knew about this but Eliazar overheard their conversation. Few days later, R.C. Campbell died. He said to Eliazar to keep his death from everyone.

To keep his father's legacy, Eliazar created the Project SAVE to protect the carrier of the key code from those who might know the secret and use it to end the Virtual World.

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