20 - Our Roles as Buddies

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September 23rd, 2030

(POV: First)

Relaying the information to Tenbu was not pleasant, especially when most of the cavalry members were defeated by Sinblade Dragon. The only silver lining to any of this was that it inspired him to contact someone he knew so that he could receive the members of the Fifth Omni Armordragons. It was growing more necessary to give this Omni Lord more protection than ever, especially when such an event took place so close-by Even though this incident occurred, Tenbu wished to proceed with his original plan of having the Cavalry Dragons work on Earth.

Some wished to stay with him for the time being until the final day, so Arkaid and I returned to my apartment with Melanie, Rikka, Doble, Mizaru, and Meglax in tow. Because this situation appeared to correlate with what was going on in Tokyo, especially since this Sinblade Dragon appeared to grow stronger from the Disaster Force, we needed to talk to my coworkers and boss. Unfortunately, Alvis and Ms. Fridrik were unable to make it, so I had to explain everyone else the general summary of what happened. After that, we decided that the people that could show up would be the ones to help plan out this entire movement against The Will of Kyoya.

However, when I told Ms. Fridrik the news, she informed me that she was going to get another one of the Omni Lords, Count Dawn, involved in all of this. I remembered seeing him at the tournament a few weeks ago with him on a team with the Fujimiya family. Hard to believe that he was an Omni Lord, mostly due to his small stature in comparison to someone like Lord Tenbu, but I was happy to get any amount of support I could. During that same call, I asked if she's heard from Alvis, but she told me that the last time she heard from him was when he last left work. I already told him about what happened to me, and I recall hearing him become distressed upon knowing I almost died. I hoped that he would be alright but, after sending him a lot of messages with no responses, there was nothing else for me to do.

Having Rikka and Melanie in my apartment was a little weird, especially due to how each one acted. Rikka and Doble dominated the couch while Meglax stayed on the floor due to his courteous nature. Rikka had her legs outstretched on the table as she leaned back on the couch cushion. When Arkaid grumbled at the sight, she began to wonder where she got such a behavior from. It was then that she looked over to the right, soon noticing that Doble was doing the exact same thing his buddy was. However, he was in SD form, making it less crazy. This was needed, especially since I didn't want anyone accidentally breaking my furniture.

I was being rather reserved about the issue, but Arkaid glared at the red dragon. "You're in our residence, so I'd expect that you would mind your manners."

Doble groaned a little bit before reluctantly obliging. "Eh?" He dragged the statement on, showing disgust. "Come on, Arkaid. Mind the injured."

"You're fine now. I made sure of that," Arkaid lowly replied. It did take a lot of effort to heal the remaining wounds. When it came to everyone else, the wounds were so severe that Arkaid, after healing them all, nearly went unconscious. I guess the brotherly aspect of their relationship made Doble believe that it was okay to speak in such a manner. However, Rikka soon listened to Arkaid's demands, being more thankful. Arkaid turned to Meglax. "Would you like some tea? I have a plentiful amount since CJ never touches it."

I merely rolled my eyes at the comment. Meglax nodded gratefully. "If it is not too much trouble."

Even though Rikka obliged, she was still resentful about the waiting time. She felt that Doble's little act of rebellion was justified; my coworkers were supposed to arrive about thirty minutes ago, and everyone else was waiting since we got back from the horrid mission. "Chase, where the heck are they? I'm not staying here to marvel at the books." Doble snickered at the remark.

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