6 - Joining the Cavalry

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September 10th, 2030

It was due to Arkaid's words that Ms. Fridrik give me another day off. However, it wasn't for the purpose of rest; quite the opposite. However, Arkaid offered to have me work even harder on the next day in order to catch up to Alvis and Abigail, who were already working on the murder case. According to what Fridrik told me, Abigail and Alvis are working with the DMW here, as well as the Buddy Police, to look for leads on who the murderer was and, hopefully, find more Dark Core Deck Cases in the process. After the event with that punk with the Shadow Shades, the murder suspect was also noted as someone with an access to more Dark Core Deck Cases.

The only reason why I agreed to work extra in order to catch up was due to meeting the Cavalry Dragons. Arkaid felt that it was time for me to meet with the Cavalry Dragons, informing me that I, from now on, would be heavily involved with them. I wasn't too happy about that; I still remember Arkaid telling me that my reputation with them was already low. When Arkaid used her, according to her words, Omni Call, a light-blue warp was created. It's gates like this one that allowed monsters to come from their words to ours in the first place. Still, I was hesitant to go in it first, for this was the first time I was going to go to another world.

Arkaid and I went through the warp. Before I could get a good grasp of my surroundings the warp closed behind us. I found myself in a darker room with the walls and floors paneled with dark wood and brick. However, the brick itself was not the average type; it was a dark red/brown color that seemed to carry the same color as the furniture she brought to my room. It was then when I noticed certain circles on the floor, showing areas where tables and desks used to be. Along the walls were a lot of bookshelves. Unlike my apartment, this living space was extremely long. Only about a fifth of the books was missing, which I assumed to be the ones she brought to my apartment. The rest were left here. We were in her home.

Arkaid stepped forward as she looked around. She was heading for the door as she turned her head towards a small collection of weaponry. "Would you like one of these?" They were simpler swords; much more convenient than the Fifth Omni sword I used to fight against the Shadow Shades. These were weapons I'd expect to see in an older variation of Earth. The sight of lanterns on the walls made me begin to realize that Dragon World may be a bit underdeveloped. "I figure that you should take one and a sheath and wear it. As a member of our Cavalry, I do not wish for you to be underprepared while out in the open."

Somewhat eagerly, I went over and grasped the one with a decent hand-guard. One thing that I knew about swords is that, commonly, a tactic is to slash at the fingers to make a user drop the sword from the pain. That's what you would expect from a normal cross guard, but this sword had a knuckle guard that protected the front part of my hand. It was a black color with yellow-gold crossing around the middle of it. The blade was long and thin, resembling that of a rapier. After checking the weight of it I started to feel much more appreciative of the weapon. Next to it was a sheath that had a material that resembled a belt, to which I quickly took. I loved swords, and I always wanted one. I guess you could say that this made me relive a bit of the fantasy I used to have before I realized the barbaric aspects of Medieval-Aged Earth. "Something a bit light. I was never a fan of those gigantic swords in conventional combat."

"Oh?" Arkaid asked curiously. "Does that mean you don't like the Fifth Omni Sword?"

"I do, but I wouldn't use it in conventional combat... at least until I get a bit stronger," I remarked as I wrapped the belt around me. The sheath was laid on my side as I slid the sword into it. Even though Arkaid thought I was out of place without a sword, a part of me still felt out of place due to me carrying a sword while wearing a casual hooded sweatshirt. "I also always wanted to get into fencing."

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