12 - The Fallen Sun Fighter

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September 18th, 2030 – Wednesday, 1:00 PM

(POV: Third)

The semifinals were about to begin. The eccentric, pink-haired announcer took flight in her identified flying object. She raised a microphone, eying the crowd of excited spectators as they roared with exhilaration. Paruko was quick to return the favor to them. She knew that the show had to go on. The lights began to illuminate the entire room, revealing the fighting arena. The four remaining teams stood proud and tall, waiting for their directions.

"I welcome you all back with the exciting matchups today!" Paruko exclaimed. "As a refresher, this will be a best of three. Before each team fights, one fighter from each team will be selected at random. Once done, the winning team gets one point, the loser gets nothing! The random matchups continue until one team has two wins. There are no ties here, folks! Okay! The teams being matched up today are-!"

Paruko raised her hand, darkening the room. At first, the audience was rather distraught; mutters filled the crowd. They must have had a difficult time deciding whether or not this was done on purpose. Fortunately, their questions were answered when four extremely bright lights flashed over the four teams. The spotlights came in two different colors; red and blue. When the four teams realized the situation, they soon discovered who there opponents were. "Both teams assigned to blue! Team Redemption and Dragonic Trinity! Both teams assigned to Red! Team Fujimiya and the A-Team!"

(POV: First)

(Dragonic Trinity) vs (Team Redemption)

It took some time, but our team was finally put back into our break room. We were waiting for the announcements as we all stared at the large television screen. Paruko was hosting this once again as an employee hauled a large board. It acted like some sort of slot machine except it had three digital squares on each side. Upon watching them turn the device on, pictures of us and our opponents were placed on the different slots; our team on the left slots while the other team remained on the right.

I was sitting down as I watched this; I couldn't help but feel antsy at the thought of facing Liam. Call it a sudden drop in self-confidence, but I was definitely not in the same league as him. It finally got so bad that I zoned out, tuning out the events happening around me. No one seemed to notice since I was just blankly staring at the television screen. Tasuku and Jack were probably talking to Arkaid and Gao while I was just looking up, watching figures on the screen move yet not registering any of it.

Someone tapped on my forehead. My senses came back to me as I quickly shook off my antsiness. When I turned to see the one who broke me out of the zone I saw Arkaid in her SD form. She was standing on a similar pad to the one I was sitting on. For a moment I couldn't help but chuckle at the fact that she needed to stand up on something to reach my height from waist to head. "What's your input?"


"Were you not listening?" Arkaid asked. I quickly looked over to see Tasuku, Gao, and Jack looking over to me like they expected me to say something. "We're discussing the mission."

"O-oh, right now?"

"Yes, right now," Arkaid sighed back. "CJ, how were you not listening?"

"Well, I am now," I quickly returned before focusing on Tasuku. "So what happened?"

He pulled out a communicator of some sort. It was orange and had a fairly compact appearance. "I have some updates from Ms. Fridrik. They've just confirmed that their bugs are caught some audio from yesterday and today," he began. "However, they're trying to listen to it now and go through it. This should be happening while we're fighting."

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