4 - The Siege for Power

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September 8th, 3:00 pm

Shattered glass shook the cores of fleeing pedestrians as we rushed into the fray. A warzone had only just emerged five city blocks away from Tokyo's airport. It was not safe for anyone. Groans of fighting monsters filled the air as an officer struck the human-sized beast-man with a large, electric baton. The monster's body twitched and tensed as the electricity coursed through his body. After the strike, the monster's body began to glow a bright yellow before dematerializing. What remained was his buddyfight card. A comrade officer appeared, hastily demanding that the creature is stored before he can get the chance to regain strength and fight again. In a way, humans from this planet are put in a horrible advantage. Because the monsters arrived in their card form, fatal wounds were impossible to deal with them in this world. The only way to kill them, while in our world, is by destroying the card. But they're officers; there's no way they're going to kill the beast, especially since it was only following the demands of his human, buddy partner.

People theorize it was because of the world's laws that we became the 'Card Hub World." Many monsters discussed joining our universe for the sake of that extra protection. Illegal monsters can get through sometimes, and there are times when they buddy up with people illegally. The Buddy Police is responsible for granting normal Core Deck Cases to those who receive an actual buddy, while those who illegally obtain one are brought in. What happens next depends on the severity of the crime and why the illegal transfer even occurred. Together, the two illegal buddies can either live, secretly, in peace, or, because of the illegal acquisition of a buddy monster, the human is able to use it to commit crimes.

We rushed up to the officers. They were wearing what I recognized to be standard Buddy Police uniforms. The orange vest and black shoulder pads were hard to miss, and under that, the two officers wore what looked to be a dark, cyan blue jumpsuit. Their black boots were covered with soot and dust, covering the orange slit pattern along the sides. Before they warned us to head back we showed them proper clearance. I took the initiative, for I got to them first and was the one who ran the fastest alongside Arkaid. "It's fine, we're from the DMW of New York. You must be the Buddy Police."

"Yeah, that's right," the older woman spoke up. I quickly assumed she was the superior out of the two. As the others caught up to me, the Buddy Police Officer continued to speak. "It started off like normal; we got a criminal buddyfighter caught in a Police Barrier. We forced them to play the game, giving them a chance to escape but, really, it was just to stall for time. We couldn't really subdue him due to the type of monster we had. We were waiting for reinforcements, as usual. Then three more people and their buddy monsters showed up outside the barrier. Then more, and more, until it was just too much for us. By the time our reinforcements came, they had to call in even more!"

Abigail's eyes peered over across a corner. She saw another monster, with their human partner, turn to face them. The dragon and his partner both grinned cruelly as they began to approach. "We got this one," Abigail stated firmly. She and Bozo rushed off until the dog began to glow. His form shifted from his puppy-like appearance to that of a humanoid dog goliath. The armor on this dragon concealed his torso, but across his back was a cape. Each cape flutter seemed to echo as Bozo pulled out his large, blue sword. He was not Bozo anymore; the ten feet tall goliath was the Demon Dog Lord, Borzoi Cobolt Lord.

The white-furred lord smashed his right paw of a fist into the opposing buddy. The dragon cried out as he was struck down in a single blow. The amount of force from Borzoi's punch was so massive that the dragon was airborne for the next two blocks. The human partner saw the fate of his buddy. Immediately, as soon as he saw the fangs on the dog's snout, watching as angry saliva drizzled from the bloodthirsty Dog Lord, the criminal put his hands up and surrendered. The partner officer rushed over to subdue the criminal and retrieve the buddy monster's card when Borzoi lowered his head to Abigail. She smiled as Borzoi started huffing excitingly as his tongue dangled to the side. "Good Boy, Bozo. Good Boy!"

Disaster: No End In Sight - A Future Card Buddyfight StoryWhere stories live. Discover now