13 - Highs and Lows

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September 18th, 2030 – Wednesday, 1:20 PM

Tasuku returned to the breakroom with Gao and Jackknife. Gao seemed alright, though I was skeptical about it, especially since I also had experience when it came to hiding my feelings. It was definitely understandable due to just how Gao lost; not only did he lose in the first game, but he lost because a representation of his old buddy turned to face him, attacking him in the process. It was something I hoped to never experience. I looked over to Arkaid, watching as she appeared to be worried for Gao's sake. She rushed over to Gao, asking if he was alright.

Gao only returned with a soft smile. His eccentric tone was diminished as he spoke back with a strained voice. "It's fine. I just wish I didn't let you guys down."

Arkaid shook her head. "Nonsense; you fought like the Gao I remember. There's no shame in that."

"Still...." Gao lowered his head before turning over to me. "Sorry, man."

"I'm not angry," I replied. "Gale Minas is on my mind now. After listening to what he said...."

Jack shook it off. "He's just trying to rile us up," he began. "Our duty is to make sure we can cover for the others if they lose. If we lose, and then they lose to Team Fujimiya, we're not going to be able to work the way we are now. Once we lose, we can't be where the players are, and being where we shouldn't is only going to make Team Redemption suspicious. Just stay focused."

His buddy agreed with him. Tasuku closed his eyes, feeling a bit disappointed about the turn of events. "Team Redemption is turning out to be a formidable opponent."

My body tensed up. I saw the matchups for the next match. When the others took notice, we were too stunned to speak. Only Arkaid seemed to remain calm when we realized who was going to fight next.

(Chase Hallows vs Hoshi Hirohito)

Tasuku and the others turned to me. Had they really lost faith in me that quickly? I didn't stay long enough to figure it out; I quickly left the room. Arkaid hastily followed me as I made my way to the arena. She huffed as she finally caught up to me; the pace I was moving out was almost too much for SD form Arkaid. "CJ, you need to stay calm."

"I am calm," I emotionlessly applied. "I'm not going to stay in there only to be talked down to."

"I'm certain that they wouldn't have done that."

"Really?" I angrily returned. "The new guy on the team facing the other team's leader? How in the hell would they not say anything about that?"

"Saying negative statements to you about the situation would only ruin your mood," Arkaid replied. Essentially, she was telling me that the others would've lied or held on to only a slight bit of hope. I didn't want to hear any of that. "If it means anything to you, if my word means anything to you, I believe we can do this."

"Why are you talking like that?"

"Like what?"

"Talking like I don't value you," I replied. The two of us stopped at the edge of the arena. We turned to each other as Arkaid modestly returned to her normal form. I found it annoying that she was down-talking herself in such a manner. "Arkaid, do you have low self-esteem or something?"

"Of course not," she returned. "The manner of which I'm speaking reflects on my relationship with you."

"Our relationship?"

"You must understand that, in situations like this, I wouldn't lie," Arkaid began. "I said what I stated to you because it is important for me to understand if you view my words as pointless and futile or not. To not value my words would mean to not value who I am. To only see me as someone who would keep talking to make others feel better, well, is downright ludicrous. I believe we can do this because I know, together, we have the power to do so."

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