Too Much

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"Hello" Taehyung answered his phone from the pile of cuddles he's in. He found it weird that there was no information about the number or anything at all but answered nonetheless. Thinking it was an error from his phone.

He waited a few seconds for the person on the other line to say something but the only thing he could hear was the sound of breathing.

"Hello?" Taehyung asked again. He was in no mood to speak with strangers right now so he was about to end the call when there was no answer again but just as his finger hovered above the red button, a sound was heard.


There was no way he would mistake that voice, the voice Taehyung had been wanting to hear and missed so bad. His eyes widened with tears sparkling in them as he opened his mouth to say something, anything but no words came out, he was speechless as he clutched the phone tighter to his ear in this frozen state.

The atmosphere change around Taehyung didn't go unnoticed by the members around him, they were watching him from the moment he picked up the call and the unshed tears worried them.

"H-hyung" Taehyung covered his mouth with his hand, his tears dropped down his cheeks one after another without the boy himself noticing "Hyung" He called him again, his voice desperate as if he is holding on his hyung to not disappear through the phone.

"It's hyung, It's Jin hyung!" Taehyung cried out to his members when Jimin touched his shoulder, breaking him out of the state he was in.

The silent room was filled with cries in an instant. Their expressions when they registered Taehyung's words would have been comical if it wasn't for the situation they're in.

It was chaos as the two other maknaes freaked out along with Hoseok. Namjoon as the leader took the phone from Taehyung's hands and put it on speaker after he told them all to quiet down.

He took a deep breath and the matter into his own hands before he spoke up.

"Hyung, are you alright?" His first thought was to ask about Seokjin's wellbeing since it was what mattered the most. A top priority.

Soft cries from the other line was not the reply the six boys expected, it was heartbreaking and they all looked between each other through their blurry eyesight.

"I'm fine...I'm fine" Seokjin hiccupped "I miss you guys" His voice was filled with emotions.

"Where are you hyung?" Even though Namjoon was in the same state as the others, he tried to hold himself and stay as composed as possible, they needed to find their hyung and this seemed like the golden opportunity to him.

Seokjin shook his head even though they couldn't see him, he wanted to tell them what he knew, that he's still in the city of Seoul, in an apartment with people who named themselves after colors, everything, every small useless detail but the touch on his thigh and Red's sharp eyes which reminded him of his words from before made the thought vanish into thin air "I..I don't know...I don't know anything Namjoon" His voice trembled, it sounded unusually fragile to the ears of the six boys on the line, he sounded scared.

"How are you calling us hyung? Where are the people who...took you?" Namjoon was curious, he needed information and tried to keep his focus on every word Seokjin said rather than the sobs and the tight hold on him by the others.

On the other side, Seokjin's eyes met Red's again before speaking hesitantly "They'" He paused, wondering what the right words to say are "They're with me...Namjoon" He wiped at the hot liquid on his cheeks as he tried to even out his breathing to talk properly "They said..." Hiccups left his mouth again, everything started to become overwhelming and he just can't seem to stop his tears from falling or his voice from shaking "That this call is for me t-to talk with you guys one l-last time" His sobs echoed through the speaker on the phone, shattering the already broken hearts to dust.

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