eighteen |

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I just wanna apoligize that this chapter doesn't have smut, lol.

I'm super bad at that but I'll make sure to have a chapter that involves it soon x


"do you wanna go grab a bite to eat?" grayson deep voice catches my attention.

i slowly open my eyes, to see his huge figure towering over mine as I lay on my towel.

i push myself up with a sigh, the beating hot sun against my skin causing little drops of sweat to form.

"yes, I'm starving!" I grab his hand which he had pushed out to help me up.

"then let's go, princess." he chuckles, preparing himself to run across the scouching hot sand.

"gray!" I yell out as I watch him run across the beach, a frown forming on my lips as I try think of a way to get across.

"come on!" he chuckles from the other side.

"I cant do it!" I yell back, my feet still against the soft fabric of my blue towel.

i watch as grayson runs back to me, a bunch of curse words leaving his lips as he does.

he suddenly scoops me off the ground, a squeek falling past my lips out of shock.

grayson just let's out a chuckle, hooking my legs around his torso. "hold on."

he runs across the sand, me bouncing on his arms with every step he makes, as giggles fall past my lips.

we finally make it to the other side, as he drops me gently to the ground then leans over taking a deep breath.

"Im not that heavy!" I giggle, punching the side of his arm.

he let's out a chuckle, lifting himself up and pulling me into him, "I know."

I wrap my arm around his torso, leaning my head against his side.

his warm skin on the side of my face, warming my body up more than it already is.

"what do you want to eat?" grayson questions, twirling his fingers in my half dry hair.

"pizza!" I pull away from him once I spot a small pizza restaurant standing before the pier.

before I could skip off grayson grabs my hand and intertwines our fingers.

"you're not leaving me for pizza." he pouts, once I come to a stop.


"grayson pineapple doesn't belong on pizza!" I groan, watching him bite into the pizza.

he waits until he finished chewing, looking down at my pizza then at me, "oh but cheese does?"

I roll my eyes, shaking my head "of course it does!"

"I really don't think it does." he argues back.

"grayson, you have cheese on your pizza." I roll my eyes, pointing out.

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