eight |

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it's been a week since the party, and I still don't remember anything besides getting drunk to seeing grayson with a blonde girl with big dough eyes.

besides that I don't remember anything other then that, the rest of the night was a blur.

i remember waking up in ethans bed the next morning, with a huge head-ache, apparently amber and Ethan just went back to our dorm.

and now it's a week later and I still can't get the image of grayson with the blonde and big brown dough eyes out of my head.

i still remember how she and Grayson laughed, and how she kept tugging on her white dress that was tightly wrapped on her.

"Kianna?" my professors deep voice boomed through the classroom

my head snapped up to meet his eyes, his thick eyebrows furrowed.

"are you listening?" he questioned me, as he moved away from the board which was placed in the middle of the classroom.

i nodded my head as I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, biting on the inside of my cheek.

he nodded his head before turning back to the board and carrying on with his lecture.

he was a really laid back professor and understand his students a lot.

he wasn't really like the rest of my professors here, he was more calm and understanding.


after class I had decided to go to the small coffee shop across the road of the college.

it sold the best lattes and right now I was craving one.

pushing open the see-through door, the small bell above it rang.

i gently let the door go, letting it shut softly behind me as I walked towards the till.

"Ki, the usual?" the waiter questioned as she noticed me walking towards her.

"yes, thanks Kayla." I nodded, as I grabbed money from my bag.

the doorbell rang, indicating someone had just walked in.

i turned around to see if it was maybe anyone I knew.

my whole face fell when I saw grayson and the blonde girl, and big dough eyes.

she was giggling as she followed behind grayson, who had a huge smile on his face.

why was I feeling this way?

"here you go." Kayla; the waitresses voice spoke, handing me my drink.

"thank you so much." I said, handed her the money which I had gotten out earlier.

she popped open the cash register, and put the money in before getting my change.

"have a good day!" her friendly voice spoke, before she handed me my change.

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