sixteen |

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"grayson, are you going to tell me where we going." a groan escapes my lips.

we've been flying for about two hours now, and the excitement has overtaken me.

every time the pilot or airhostess talk, grayson makes sure that my ears are blocked or I'm way to distracted.

"wait we landing soon." he chuckles, placing his hand on my thigh which is bouncing up and down in excitement.

"chill, baby." he squeezes my thigh, causing warmth to flood through my body.

as I was about to say something the loud voice of the pilot filled the plane, "the plane to-"

grayson's large hands came in contact with my ears, covering them up causing a groan to escape my lips.

"really?" i narrowed my eyes at him, but all he did was shrug.

once the pilot finished talking grayson's hands fell away from my face, and back onto my thigh.

"5 minutes" he smirks at me, before pushing back into his seat.

the plane starts getting bumpy, getting ready to make a landing on the long tare road.

"get ready." grayson mumbles, grabbing onto my hand tightly.

i look out the window, seeing trees and a huge airport surrounding us.

earlier I saw a sea, but it didn't really click onto where we were.

we could literally be anywhere.

the smooth landing of the plane brings me from my thoughts and excitement fills my body once again.

i squeeze tightly onto graysons hand, him doing the exact same back.

i peek out of grayson's window, trying to catch a sign of anywhere we could be but grayson just let's out a deep chuckle and shakes his head.

after a few minutes the plane had stopped carefully, and the air hostesses came around checking if everyone was okay.

and now we standing infront of the baggage and grayson's grabbing our suitcases.

he finally spins around, holding both bags in his hands a huge smile on his face.

he places the bags down, pulling up the handle so we could pull them.

i grab mine, and lift up the handle, dragging the bag after me as I follow grayson.

we make our way outside, where a few people stood with names of their family or friends that had just landed.

A smile form's on my lips as I think back to the memory of mom and I standing waiting for my grandmother.

she moved to Spain when I was 10 and always came to visit every year, but it's been a while since she's visited us.

walking towards the clear stained doors right behind everyone, grayson intertwined our fingers.

the doors slowly opened for us, the fresh air hitting us causing me to let out a sigh of relief.

"welcome to Miama." grayson deeply said, causing my jaw to drop.

"no way." I turned to him, letting out a squeal, "thank you so much gray!"

I pull him into a hug, my cheesy smile never leaving my face, "thank you, thank you."

he let's out a deep chuckle, hugging me back, "of course."

"now let's go, the Uber is waiting for us."

I can't fucking believe that his done this all for me.

"thank you, gray."

short chapter, but I'm kinda back.

lol. so I haven't got my wisdoms out yet, but I can't not write...

short chapter just to show I'm back haha, sorry. xx

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