four |

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a week later:

i tightly onto on the cup that's filled with my Chai tea.

i finally agreed to seeing grayson.

the bell above the door rings, indicating that someone had just walked in.

my head moves up slowly, to see if it him.

there he stood, infront of the small clear door; holding a smile.

His eyes meet mine, as he walks towards me.

the world feels as if it's stopped and the only things that are moving, is gray and I.

His large hands fall onto the plastic chair, as he drags it back.

he sits down––never taking the wide grin off his face.

"hey." he finally speaks.

his voice sounds deeper then it did last year.

and his also gotten a lot stronger.

"why?" I blurt out––coming out a little to fast.

he let's out a deep sigh, looking down at the table.

"because I was stupid." he mumbles.

"I didn't know how to love you, I didn't know how to treat you; but now I do." he says, looking up––his eyes filled with hope.

"grayson, you really hurt me." I say, my turn to look down at the table.

"that was the day, our anniversary––the day I was going to tell you that I love you." I say again.

"walking in on you; I felt betrayed, as if everything was fake, and just for your stupid little bet."

"Im really sorry, Ki." he speaks, "I fell so in love with you, during the bet; so I called it off."

"but why didn't you tell me, grayson?" I question. "about the bet."

"because I knew it was going to do something to our relationship." he admits.

the waiter walks up to us, with a small smile on his face.

His little notepad in his left hand

"would you like to order anything. sir?" he aims his direction to grayson.

Grayson gave the waiter his order, and watched as he walked off, before speaking again.

"I know it was wrong off me, Ki." he says, crossing his arms on the table.

"Im so sorry, I really am." he whispers.

"its fine, gray." I say, causing his eyes to widen in surprise.

"what are you serious?" he smiles widely.

"yeah." I nod slowly, my eyes finally meet his.

His eyes show joy, and I little bit of guilt filling them.

but then I suddenly do something none of us expect.

my hand lands hard on his cheek as a loud noise erupts through the Cafe.

Graysons eyes widen, as he lifts his hand to his left cheek, rubbing it softly.

"grayson, shit." I suddenly realize what I did, "I'm so sorry!"

"I deserved it." he said giving me a weak smile. "am I at least forgiven now?"


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