Forever Farewell

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My phone rings to life announcing the alarm I set to get up this morning at eight. I quickly dismiss the application so not as to wake the sleeping babe. The alarm was not needed in the end for I have been awake all night keeping Jungkook close, his little breaths fanning across my collar bone as I snuggle him to me. He has been so clingy these last few days, not that I blame him I have been just as bad. I know to have his grandparents raise him is in the best interest of Officer Hyuk, but I can't help and wonder if Jungkook were to be my own. Lord knows I have spoiled and loved him so. Things may be a bit wild, however, everything Yoongi and I have done has been in the mindset of providing the best for the young Jeon.

Not wanting to be late and look irresponsible I stretch and carefully climb off the bed. Luckily the child only stirs and I begin to dress for the day. I want to appear like a professional individual so as to give a good impression of the man who was taking care of their grandson. My attire consists of a camel colored cashmere sweater and nice slacks. I have to don my glasses, my eyes already stinging from the weight of unshed tears. Since I'm dressed I stand by the bed and pick up Jungkook to wake him up. The small boy blinks up at me sleepily and I blow raspberries on his chubby cheeks waking him up with giggles. I pick out a dapper little outfit Yoongi bought, a light blue sweater and matching pants to dress him in. Usually around the apartment or when he is in the sling I keep him in comfortable onesies so he can move around not restricted by difficult clothes. Today though I wanted him to look as cute as possible so they can see the adorable baby I have come to know.

The time nears 8:30 and we finally emerge from my bedroom my phone and the diaper bag in my hand while Jungkook rests on my left hip. Yoongi sits on the couch huddled under a kitten patterned throw sipping a mug of chocolate milk. "Morning, Yoonie." At my words, he startles a bit and emerges from the hovel and makes his way to me and Jungkook. I can tell that he has fully fallen into little space as he has clipped his paci to an oversized sweater of mine, and little ruffle socks cradle his feet. "Yoonie, I have to go to the station this morning. Can you kiss Kookie goodbye, we might not see him for a while." Even as I try to soften the blow I can see the damage reflected in his eyes that pierce my own heart. The little shuffles as close as possible and kisses the younger boy on the cheek. I begin to pull away having bent down a bit to accommodate Yoongi's height when said little makes small whining noises and starts pulling on my sweater. "Yoonie, no pulling. I have to go, trust me I would rather stay and play. Now I am taking Kookie to his grandparents, please be a good boy while I'm gone."

I have to forcefully pull away from him and attempt to make it to the door. However, fate is not so kind. Just as my hand makes contact with the small pink suitcase, covered in stickers, I feel hands grab at my pant leg. "Eomma no go! Kookie live with you, he stay stay." Yoongi has taken it upon himself to wrap around my right leg preventing me from leaving the apartment. "Baby no go. Eomma stay stay!" A yowling like cry escapes from the younger boy and I see tears trickle down the blondes face.

"Yoongi-ya, please let go. I can't deal with you being like this. I know you are upset, but being naughty won't fix it. I give you two seconds before I have to be mean." My words make him sniffle and slowly untangle from his viselike grip. He stays seated on the floor paci now rapidly bobbing away and gaze unwavering. "I am leaving now, no more trouble Yoonie. Eomma loves you and I promise to make things right again. Kisses." Once again I bend down and he kisses a chubby check then mine. I crush him into my embrace along with Jungkook knowing this is the last hug with both of my boys. Stepping away I roll the small case behind me and emerge from the apartment of memories and into the journey of returning my pseudo child.

The cab I had sent for earlier, luckily, still sat waiting on the curb despite my late arrival. Clambering into the back I signal him to forge ahead, Jungkook nestled in my lap with small hands fisted in my sweater. I had gone ahead and placed his paci clip on his shirt in case he needed it, but seeing as it lay limp Jungkook must feel at ease. This only furthers my unease as I know that things will turn topsy turvy for the baby as he moves homes once again. Pushing the thoughts from my mind I snuggle him closer and enjoy the brief calm before the storm.

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