"Shit." I mutter out loud. 

I decided to wait on the front porch for Sam. It was a beautiful day once again, and I just can't pass up enjoying the sunshine. The salty air has become one of my favorite smells, and I just genuinely love it here. I see a pale blue VW bug approaching the curb and I smile. This car fits her. She honks and yells for me to get in. As I am hopping in the passenger seat I catch a glimpse of Beau and Thomas loading a few things into an SUV. Both of them are shirtless, and both of them have incredible bodies. Their muscles are flexed from lifting the heavy items, and it's not an image I am going to get out of my mind any time soon. The only major difference between them at this distance is the ink that trails across Beau's body. I wonder what they are, and what meaning they hold to him. Thomas, on the other hand, is completely free of any tattoos. His bronzed skin glistens, and he just looks like the epitome of the all American boy.

"Yeah, it must be tough to live next door to all that eye candy." Sam jokes, and I blush immediately. She had clearly noticed me staring at the Dalton brothers. "Hey, no judgement here. I thoroughly enjoy the view. Those are some strong genes running through that family. It shouldn't be legal for them to be so damn hot." she adds. I giggle, and nod in agreement.

"How long have you known them?" I ask her.

"Oh God, forever really. My dad and Mr. Dalton were business partners. Before my parents got divorced they would hang out with the Dalton's regularly, which meant lots of play dates for us kids. I've always been closer with Thomas though, Beau doesn't really have many close friends. He's pretty secluded." I am intrigued by their history, and listen intently as she continues. "I mean we're cool and all, he just isn't that great with relationships. Like, any relationship whether it be family members or friends. He's always pushed everyone away, and Thomas is the complete opposite. He invites everyone in, and would do anything for anyone. It's a weird dynamic between those two." I want to press for more information, but I don't want Sam to get annoyed with my questions.

Almost as if she reads my mind, she begins to speak again. "Anyways, Thomas seems into you. How do you feel about that?" That is not where I expected this conversation to go.

"Oh, I um.. Well I really don't know. What makes you say that he is into me?" I ask quietly.

She laughs, "Isn't that obvious? I could tell from a mile away." I look down, and shrug.

"No, it isn't obvious to me at all. I have zero experience with boys, and the Dalton brothers are playing in a whole different league. I need T-ball, and they are batting in the major leagues." Sam laughs at my comparison, and shakes her head.

"When you say zero experience do you just mean, like.. that you are a virgin?" she asks me.

"Oh absolutely. In every way possible. I have never even been on a date, much less kissed someone. " The shock registers on her face, and I wish I could disappear. She must see the embarrassment on my face, and she switches tactics.

"Shit, no. I didn't mean it to seem like I thought that was weird or something. I think that is really cool. Seriously. Not many girls our age can say that. It just means you are waiting for something real, right?" I am so thankful for how understanding she is being about this, and I relax a little.

"If I am being honest, I really have never had the opportunity to date. I was homeschooled for most of my life, and my main focus was academics. I wanted the perfect GPA and the honors, plus my parents have always dreamed of the day I was accepted to medical school. I have never really had much of a social life. Last night was the first time I'd ever been to a party, and you guys didn't even consider that a real party. I am so out of my element here." I didn't mean to go into so much detail,  but I think finally having a friend to vent to about these things has lowered all of my walls. 

"Damn, girl. How about we just make this the best summer ever then? You have a lot of time to make up for. We can cram everything you need to experience into the next few months, then when you start college you will be a whole new woman! I mean, we could even create a 'Summer Bucket List' for you!" She smiles at me reassuringly, and I instantly know that I have found a true friend in Sam.

"I highly doubt you want to spend your entire summer trying to broaden my horizons!" I exclaim while laughing. We pull into the parking lot of what looks like an old Victorian age home.

"Are you kidding? That sounds like the best possible way I could spend my summer." Her smile is so genuine, and I can't deny that the thought of this is exciting.

"Okay, let's do it." I respond, and she claps her hands.

"This is going to be fun." she says mischievously. "In the meantime, welcome to Vellichor!" Sam gestures towards the home and I realize this is the bookstore.

"Vellichor?" I ask. She exits the car and walks towards the entrance. As she approaches the front door she turns to me and says, "I'll let Esther explain that one to you." 

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