Chapter Twenty-Four: Best Friend Brawl.

Start from the beginning

"Okay. Calm down," Sebastian hushes him, rubbing his back a little before he walks them both into the flat.

He shuts the door before kicking his shoes off and then leading Jim, who hadn't loosened his grip at all, to the sofa. He sits Jim down before he sits on the coffee table, beside Jim's laptop and directly in front of the tearful boy.

"What happened, Jim?" Sebastian asks with a frown, his usually joyful features twisted in worry.

"I - I... S-Sherlock..." Jim manages to stutter a few words before he gives up and lets the tears that want to flow flood his face.

Sebastian's expression hardens the moment Sherlock's name passes his friends lip. Guiltily, Jim realises he hasn't kept Sebastian up to date on his life over the past few months. For all Sebastian knows, Jim was still affected by the whole situation where Sherlock kissed him outside Bart's.

"What happened?" Sebastian repeated, voice no longer having that soft tone people have when comforting a crying person.

"He... I don't.. don't know" Jim admits, trying to calm his breathing and wipe the tears away. "I was just on the.. laptop and then he started s-shouting for no reason. You know what I'm like... I- I switched off... I don't know what he said..."

Sebastian's frown seemed permanent now. "Why was he here?"

"We're together.." Jim said, voice glum. He'd never sounded so miserable before when he told people that Sherlock and he were official.

Sebastian nods and adopts what Jim calls his 'thinking/plotting to kill' face.

Jim watches his friend, placing his trust in the boy to sort his emotions out for him and somehow provide an answer to why Sherlock blew up like he did. Sniffing, Jim uses the sleeve of his jumper to wipe his nose before he slumps into the sofa.

His chest hurt. No... His heart hurt.

He didn't even know what Sherlock was angry about. Jim doesn't understand why his heart aches and why his eyes are leaking... He doesn't seem to be understanding much lately.

"Well," Sebastian says after a few moments of silence "Let's get your mind off it." He looks to the clock that sat on the wall beside the hallway. "Some movies tonight and then tomorrow we'll go to some of your favourite shops. Buy you a new beanie or something, yeah?"

Jim nods slowly, frowning. That was very... un-Sebastian. Last time he found Jim crying over a guy, he'd very casually asked Jim if he wanted him to go smash the guy's face into a wall. When it came to his friends, Sebastian's methods were often violent - so this was a surprise to say the least.

Not caring that he was being treated like a child who fell over and got a scrape, Jim asks for tea and curls on the sofa as Sebastian rushes to provide him with a lovely milky, sugary and typically British drink.

When the drink arrives, Jim sips at it slowly and keeps his eyes ahead of him. Sebastian takes the seat beside Jim. The man drinking tea glances to the side at his friend, just knowing that he had something on the tip of his tongue and that it was going to come out soon.

Jim just had to wait.

"Jim..." Here it comes. "I don't like this Sherlock guy, but I can tell you do."

Jim blinks, frowning. "Where you going with this, Seb?"

"I'm saying.." He trails off again before turning to look at Jim and grinning. 'I'm saying don't push this one away."

Great. Now Sebastian sounded like his mum.

Did he really push that many people away?

"Wait a second, how the hell is me getting shouted at for something equal to be me pushing Sherlock away?" He asks, temper flaring.

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