falling for my best friend- peter parker (part 3)

Start from the beginning

"AC/DC," you, Natasha, and Peter said in unison as you looked at each other.

When Peter went to the other bathroom to go change, you pulled out the black bikini and quickly put it on.

"Damn, girl," Natasha whistled, "he can't NOT notice you now."

Truth be told, you actually did look good in her bathing suit. It made you look like some sort of model, bringing out your tan-ish complexion and your deep brown eyes (just go with the eye color even if it isn't what you actually have in real life).

Once Natasha was done changing (a white bikini) you headed downstairs out to the back deck to meet the others. They were either lounging around, laying back on the lounge chairs and drinking martinis (Tony, Clint, Bucky, Pepper) or playing around in the pool. Your towel was wrapped around you because you felt self-consious about having to show this much skin in front of your crush and you didn't know how he'd react.

Natasha noticed you tense up. "Come on, it's not that big of a deal," she reassured you, and you took the towel off and placed it on a lounge chair. "LET'S GO Y/N!" Wanda whooped from the diving board as she gracefully leaped off, doing a flip.

Tony and Steve gave you a thumbs-up and subtly motioned over to Peter, who apparently, had been staring at you.

"Oh crap..." you muttered.

"Wait!" Tony shouted from the lounge chair. "Remember, the volleyball death match? TIME TO FORM TEAMS, GUYS!" He raised his voice to get everyone's attention. "Y/N will pick three other people she wishes to play alongside and I will do the same. I pick Steve, Bucky, and Peter. Rules are, don't let the ball bounce on the sand. And no superpowers because that's not fair."

"I nominate Natasha, Wanda, and Clint." The three of them grinned at you; you knew that they each had their own strengths. Wanda had strong legs, Clint had good aim because he consistently shot with arrows, and Natasha was just strong in general. You were confident because you had been playing volleyball for five years and had won nationals two years in a row with your team.

You flawlessly served the ball over the net and Steve, naturally being really tall and strong, spiked it back over but Natasha saved it, hitting it towards Bucky, who also served it back over perfectly.

It went back and forth like that, and before you knew it, you were at a tiebreaker, 10-10.

"Next point wins!" you shouted, and everyone burst into chatter, coming up with a strategy on the spot. Luckily, you and your team already had a plan.

Clint served the ball over the net, and again, Steve spiked it over. You missed it, but you knew this would happen so Natasha was ready, standing behind you. She hit it over at an angle to Tony, who passed it back over to Wanda, who passed it over to Peter. Peter looked at you, and flashed you a grin.

"Go for it!" Clint yelled, encouraging you. You stood ready as Peter spiked the ball over the net. It was farther away from you than expected but that didn't stop you and so, in a split second, you were at the front of the net. You jumped high up in the air and smashed the ball down. Nobody on the other side was able to reach it in time so it hit the sand.

"YES!" you and your team screamed, high-fiving and hugging each other.

"Whew," Steve panted as he wiped the sweat from his brow. "Tony said you were good, but not this good."

"I did varsity for five years," you stated confidently. "And I never miss a chance to play beach volleyball."

Peter then walked up to you, holding his arms out. "Victory hug?"

He pulled you towards him and gave you a bone-crushing hug. "Peter! You're soaked!"

"Ha! That's my revenge!" He laughed.

tom holland/peter parker and steve rogers oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now