Chapter 41: Lost But Not Found

Comenzar desde el principio

I dropped my keys, and ran over to him. I sprinted as fast as I could, almost as if he was a ticking bomb. If I didn't get there fast enough, he would explode and disappear.

I grazed his shoulder with my fingertips, and jumped into his arms gracefully. He lifted me up without fail, and we both laughed as he spun me around in a circle, and then put me back down on my feet.

"Are you even real?" I scan him up and down. I was certain that this was a dream. He can't actually be here right now.

"I'm real. I promise." He smiles a toothy smile, his perfectly aligned teeth glisten in the sunlight.

"I can't believe you're here. I've missed you so much."

"Really?" He laughs quietly. "After everything that happened the night I left, you missed me?"

"Of course I did." I gave him another hug. "You know, I was pretty keen on telling you something that night. But Shelby and her wicked ways stopped me."

"So...why don't you tell me now?" He rocks back and forth on his feet, waiting for an answer.

"I was going to tell you know, we've said that we are going to be friends. I don't know, I just feel something...more."

"I like you, Andrew. And I can't believe I haven't said anything yet, because this weight has just been magically lifted off my chest...oh my goodness." I sighed happily, and he rubs my forearms, grinning like an idiot.

"You're a daredevil aren't you? I wouldn't have the guts to tell someone that."

"Well, when the person is worth it, it makes it ten times easier." I told him.

"You think I'm worth it?" He acted surprised. "Really?"

"Of course, Andrew. I like you, and I care about you. If you weren't worth it, why have I been worrying about you for over a month?"

"Is this the part where you ask me where I've been all this time?" He scratches the back of his neck sheepishly.

"You betcha." I give him a look that says 'you can't hide anything from me, so you better not lie'.

"I was spending some quality time with my gun. That's all. I didn't shoot anyone, or kill anyone, if that's what you were wondering."

"You were doing gang stuff? That makes me a bit more nervous than before."

"Hey, hey, hey. No. Don't do that." He grabs my arms and put them around his neck. "I was fine. You have nothing to worry about."


"Shut up." He leans in closer. Our lips inching closer and closer.

It was finally happening. After all this time of thinking about him, and not seeing him, he's finally here with me. And I'm about to kiss him and never let him go.

Just a little closer and-




I wake up almost instantly, and I practically cry.

It was all a freaking dream. Andrew coming back, us almost kissing. All a stupid picture playing in my head.

I turn on my phone, groaning at the instant light in my eyes. I grunt, looking at the date.

January 24th

Also known as the 2 month mark since Andrew has been gone.

I'm still in disbelief, don't get me wrong. The dream is leaving me hurt and angry because Andrew hasn't showed up offering me a ride to school or almost kissing me.

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