Chapter 33 :)

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I smiled to my self, I than came into realization.

"But-But" I stuttered as I got out of his embrace "I'm so sorry I have to um go" I muttered to him.

He stared at me his piercing blue eyes searching for emotion in my eyes "You don't want to go do you?" He smirked "I'm sorry" I whispered and picked up Aiden grabbed mays hand and walked to the swings "Nash?" May smiled "hey" he smiled while May ran into his arms.

"Where are the others?" I asked Nash Slowly "Shawn...he's pretty bad Um jack and jack are pretty good Cams going to be in a movie I'm okay. Umm Matt Is still going strong with Alexia and the girls are ok Carter is still Asian and um that's all I have to say" he frowned.

"what happened to the family?" I frowned "I don't even know" he frowned "take me to see shawn" I said confident.

"Let's go" he smiled.

-Shawn's House-

May,Aiden, And I waited in the car while Nash went to knock on Shawn's door "Hey bro I brought some one over mind if they come in?" He smiled at shawn.

Shawn looked horrible Hairs sticking out His eyes beet red and He looked basically crazy.

I slowly got out of the car.

Taking Aiden with me "Is this real?" He asked his eyes widened "of course it is stupid" I smirked he ran to me "I'm sooo sorry baby I love you" he pouted "What happened to you?" I said tilting my head "you were gone...and I had to stay high to forget I was missing you only high to keep you off my mind" he smiled I hugged him.

"MARIANNA?!" Someone screamed

I was so confused I turned around.

Oh no.



End less love~Book 2 from the Adopted by cameron dallas books~Where stories live. Discover now