"But I want to see the new king! Please~" I whined, tugging at my mom's dress harder making her chuckle with a shake of her head.

"We'll see what your dad says."


And so, the next week on Sunday I found myself sitting on my dad's shoulders, way after my curfew, excitedly waiting for the ceremony to start among the enormous crowd of people.

My mom was right, no one would notice if we didn't come, but I didn't care. I wanted to see the new king.

My imagination ran wild as I remembered all the fairy tales and their princes my mom told me about. Every prince is supposed to be really handsome and have a beautiful heart. Oh, and a lovely white horse as well, so he can save his princess when she's in danger.

I chuckled quietly, jumping excitedly on my dad's shoulders. I hope this king will be just like those princes I know!

"Chaeyoung, calm down and hold on tight. You don't want to fall off." my dad chuckled underneath me, holding my knees in place.

"Sorry daddy. Do you think that our new king already has his queen?" I asked, looking down at him.

My dad together with my mom chuckled, holding their hands together.

"I don't think so honey."

"Than I can be his queen!" I beamed raising my hands up in the air with a laugh. Both my parents laughed at my excitement, exchanging amused glances between each other.

"Chaeyoung-ah, remember what I told you the other day? You can be a queen even without your king." said my mother with a warm smile, raising her arm to pet my hair.

I giggled, nodding my head.

Suddenly everyone in the crowd became even louder, all people fidgeting in their places from excitement. I looked up at the stage-like area in front of us, only to see people in white and blue clothing making their way in front, lining up in a row, while the musicians on the sides started playing their instruments loudly to inform about the beginning of the ceremony. Later on, an old couple with heavy and sparkly clothing appeared and sat down on the thrones in front of the row of people which I assumed were soldiers.

"Daddy? Are those king and the queen?" I asked, slightly tugging at my dad's hair only for him to give me a hushed grunt and a simple nod.

The ceremony began and after a while I started to zoom out, not understanding anything the people up on the stage were saying.

"Please, applaud for the heir of the throne of the Kingdom of Ishgar, Kim Taehyung!" my ears perked up at the sentence and I looked up just in time to see the big mahagony door open to reveal a boy in navy-blue jacket and white pants. He wore a lots of jewelry making him sparkle even more than the other people on the high stage. My 10 years old self awed at the sight, a wide smile making it's way to my face.

People around us started to cheer loudly, making me clap and throw my legs around in the air, giving a hard time for my dad in the process.

"Waah! He's so handsome!" I exclaimed happily giggling.

We were quite lucky since we were somewhere around the front of the crowd, so I could see his in fact handsome features. He had fluffy blonde hair that shone even more than any jewelry he was wearing, and his skin was slightly tanned, also glowing in all the lights shining straight at him.

The only thing bugging me, was his monotone and serious expression which didn't show a single hint of smile or happiness. But then again, no one on the stage looked happy which made me wonder...weren't they happy for the new king? Wasn't he happy he was becoming a new king?

I calmed down a little and focused on the young boy who was now having speech about his access to the throne.

I titled my head inspecting his face. I bet he has a pretty smile. Just like every other handsome prince in fairy tales.

After his speech people started to cheer again and I joined them clapping, with a wide smile on my face even though I didn't really listen to what he was saying before.

In a quick moment I noticed him look at me, which when I look at it now, was pretty understandable since I was sitting on my dad's shoulders, and sticking out of the crowd like a sore thumb.

Either way, when his eyes locked with mine, my smile widened even more as I raised my hands in the air, waving at him.

At that time, it seemed like a miracle to me, because in that moment, our new king smiled a little, giving me a small wave, filling my heart with joy and giddiness.

I clearly remember bragging about it to everyone in the village for the upcoming few months. However no one believed me of course, no one besides my best friend who was also just a kid.

And so, as I grew older, I started to realize how ridiculous I was for being so happy and excited about something funny like that. I realized that any sane and healthy person would wave back if a little kid waved at them with a smile as wide as the earth itself.

Because of that, I buried the memory far away, not seeing the point of cherishing such a ridiculous and unimportant memory.

But now, holding the old piece of paper in my hands, skimming through now slightly faded words, I can't help but dig the old memory back out, with a weak smile.

Remembering how that moment brightened my life even just for a little while, made me chuckle with a shake of my head.

"Stop doing that you little creep." I turned around to see Jungkook standing in the doorway of my bedroom with arms crossed on his chest. I sighed putting the old invitation back into the drawer of my vanity table before standing up.

"Let's go make some lunch." I said as I approached him, receiving a huge grin from my best friend in return.

Even though, we're both trying to ignore the raising uneasiness in the air, we can't help but fear what's coming.

Because in one month, whether we like it or not, I have to go and face the king once again.

Coming soon!

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