In another world, the hyung Jungkook is dreaming of was sweating as if he just finished hours of nonstop dancing. He woke up to Midori staring at him in his sleep as his hand laid on top of Seokjin's chest, patting him like a mother would to her baby.

"What are you doing?!" Seokjin backed away till the collar held him in place, which wasn't really far.

"Helping my kitten?" He smiled that innocent smile which reminded Seokjin of Jungkook "You were frowning in your sleep so I thought maybe some patting would make you feel better" Midori explained himself, not that he needed to though.

Seokjin scoffed, it's true that he was having a nightmare which he can't really remember the events of now but it's been a long time since he last had one. If anything, Seokjin is sure that Midori and the criminals with him are the ones who caused it so trying to calm Seokjin by patting him only managed to wake him with a startle. He was never a heavy sleepier and he surely did not need Midori to comfort him.

"What do you want?"

Midori hummed. He didn't get what Seokjin meant.

"Why did you come here in the first place? You did not possibly come to watch me sleep" Seokjin wanted him out, to stay alone. He hated the presence of him and the others.

"I don't really have that much time anyway so I'll answer your simple question" He leaned into Seokjin's personal space, putting a hand on his thigh to hold himself as he leaned down to grab the plastic bag on the ground behind the singer.

"Food" A plastic bag was raised "You must be hungry" He placed it on Seokjin's lap, though the singer immediately pushed it off him.

"I'm not hungry"

Midori titled his head "Sure? You haven't eaten since you came here" He was ignored as Seokjin moved himself to lay back down on his side, facing the window and giving his back to Midori who shrugged and got off the bed.

"I'll leave it here anyway" He made his way to the door "And today no one will be coming here again. We had plans for you but it's moved to tomorrow since it's a busy day so enjoy your time alone. Bye little kitten" A smile crossed his face once again before he softly closed the door behind him.

Seokjin sighed and covered his whole body with the blanket he finally decided to use, just like a ball on a bed. And that's how the day went. Awfully silent and dark.


Around early afternoon the next day, the hotel rooms the six members stayed in were empty.

The day before, when they gathered in Jimin's room, it was made clear that they were all willing to hear the call today. They wanted their hyung back so crying and isolating themselves won't be the right option if they wanted to help and that's why for the second time, they were meeting Detective Min-Jae.

He was alone this time, no officers or anyone with him. They were told that it's safe to go back to their house today, though unfortunately, they couldn't find any evidence. No finger print. No hair strand. Nothing.

They were also told that since a lot of drawers were opened, they believe some things were stolen but would need their help to identify what exactly.

"Let's get to what we came to do here today" Min-Jae had everything already prepared "All of you want to hear the recording?" He asked to make sure and they all nodded without hesitation, determined to help in any way possible.

"We don't want to waste time, if you want us to do something, just say it and we will" Namjoon was the one to speak.

"Alright" Min-jae moved to the side of the table where his already opened laptop is and started clicking on it.

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