nightmares & sparring partners- peter parker

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His eyebrows went up and he grinned. "We can watch a good action movie or something." You got up and went to the living room, flopping on the couch and turning the TV on. The two of you had decided on one of the older Mission Impossible movies because you had a weak spot for good fighting scenes.

Half an hour into the movie, you felt cold. "C-crap..." you stuttered, regretting wearing only shorts and Tony's AC/DC T-shirt.

"Are you cold?" There was a look of worry in Peter's eyes.

"K-kinda," you stuttered. He responded by pulling his sweatshirt off over his head and giving it to you. "W-wait...but what about you?"

"Don't worry about me. I don't want you to get sick. Now, put it on." You did as you were told and pulled the sweatshirt on over your head. You had to stop yourself from sighing, but it was tough, it smelled just like him and it was really comfortable. He wrapped his arms around you and you rested your head on his chest as you focused your eyes on the TV screen.

Memories of your recent nightmare faded away, all that mattered now was you were with him, and you were safe.

During one point in the movie, you both fell asleep, holding each other tightly.


In the morning, when the team got up, they saw you two asleep on each other and chuckled.

"Awwww! Nat, look!" Wanda cooed. "They're smiling! And they're cuddling!"

"Cute, aren't they?" Steve said to Tony, pointing. "She's wearing his sweatshirt."

"Yeah, it is," he admitted, smiling down at you. "Best friend goals."

"I don't think that's just 'friends', Stark...I believe that they've had feelings for each other for a while. Can you see it?"

"Come to think of it, I can...Hold on. I need a picture of this." He snapped a picture of the two of you.

"Should we wake them up for breakfast?"

"Yup." Tony shook you guys awake, and you groaned. "What do you want?" you questioned in a groggy voice, rubbing your eyes.

"No 'good morning', sweetheart?"

"Oh. Morning." You stretched your arms, taking Peter's arm off from your waist and got up. Peter woke up right after you, looking around, confused. Then he saw Steve smirking at you wearing his sweatshirt, and the rest of the team staring at you, and he blushed.

"Hi," he waved innocently.

"Is there something you're not telling us?" prompted Clint.

You looked at him all funny. "What do you mean?"

"The fact that you were cuddling on the couch together? How did that happen?"

Heat spread across your cheeks, and you could feel your face flush. "Oh, that, I just had a nightmare, so he came and we watched a movie. That's it."

He looked at you suspiciously, not fully believing your words. "Mhm, suuuuuure..."

"Nothing else happened! I swear!" you exclaimed, holding up your arms in surrender.

"Then why...are you blushing?"

You stood there embarrassed and speechless, before walking over to the kitchen and making yourself some toast. Peter tried to act all calm and cool, but you could tell he was embarrassed as well.

Meanwhile, Natasha was talking to Peter about you. "You guys aren't just 'best friends'. Come on. I see the way you two act around each other. It's not that hard to tell you both have feelings."

"W-what feelings?"

"Best friends don't just cuddle on the couch together. Neither do they continuously stare at the other while they're training because they think they look hot. And guy and girl best friends don't just casually give their sweatshirts for them to wear. Hm? Don't you think?"

"When was I staring at her like that? And in my defense, she was cold! I couldn't let her freeze."

"You were, and you didn't even know it. You gave her your sweatshirt because you cared about her. You care about her a lot more than you think."

Then Peter lowered his voice. " know that she's Mr. Stark's daughter...and you know he can get really protective of her...what if he doesn't approve? Of this?"

"He does, actually. Because he knows how close you two are, and how much you really love her. He trusts that you'll take good care of her, and he wants her to be happy. He knows you can do that. And did I mention, that he took a picture of you two cuddling because he thought it was cute?"

"We weren't cuddling, she was just cold so I put my arms around her!" he whisper-shouted.

"You looooooove her," Bucky teased.

"Peter loves who?" You overheard part of the conversation as you were eating your toast.

"Peter loves you!" he shouted, and both your faces turned bright red.

"Peter loves Y/N!" the rest of the team said in unison.

"Yeah, he does," you responded, "as friends. We both know that."

"Will you stop with the best-friends BS?" Bucky looked frustrated, throwing his arms up in the air. "We all know how in love with the other person you both are. Drop the act, guys!"

You finished eating and flopped back onto the couch. "If only..."

"If only what?"

"Nothing," you answered quickly.


The rest of the day was filled with awkward tension; speaking to Peter was difficult because of what happened earlier at breakfast. You could barely bring yourself to even look at him. But you would have to in five minutes, because you had to train next to him, he was your partner. You knew that Tony purposely matched you up together so you'd have no choice but to look at each other.

Changing into a matching set of a black sports bra and spandex leggings, you went down to the basement where everyone was waiting. Even though it was going to be weird having to go against him, you were excited because you were sparring and it was one of your favorite things to do.

Wrapping up your hands with protective tape, you went over to where Peter was with the sparring materials and the punching bags. He was fitted in a tight white T-shirt which outlined every detail of his chest. You caught yourself staring and looked away, embarrassed.

Although you did throw several really good punches, your eyes kept wandering over to his toned figure, and you got distracted a few times. But overall, you stayed pretty focused.

You were really focused, actually. You attempted to throw a punch at Peter, but he blocked it with just one hand.

Instead of letting go right away, however, he intertwined his fingers with yours and pulled you forward, pressing his lips against yours. You didn't know how to react at first, but then, you were kissing him back. There was nothing that mattered in the moment except for the fact that you two were together...

"AYE! Get a room!" Clint yelled, and you two broke apart, blushing like idiots.

"Very smooth, Parker," Tony smirked, looking back and forth between your bright red face and his.

tom holland/peter parker and steve rogers oneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora