•Chapter 21•

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Good morning, good afternoon, or good night *tucks you in* I know I haven't updated in forever but I've been having a little trouble with my mental health and I never though such a small problem would effect my body like this but anyway, that's why I haven't updated. I love you guys thanks for being patient!
Last Chapter:
I pushed myself under the covers and closed my eyes as soon as the nurse closed my door falling back asleep for god knows how long.


"Good morning hun, or should I say afternoon?" The nurse said as she walked in with some things in her hands. "I have a few rules for you." I pouted at her statement and sighed. "I know, so tragic. Anyway, I need you to sit up for a second so I can check your back." She said as she abandoned the belongings in her arm on the chair beside her. I complied and leaned forward, small pained noises climbed out of my body as she poked and prodded me.

"Okay..." she wrote a few things down on the clipboard she had picked up. "So here's what's gonna happen. Your back is going to take a while to heal, you need to exercise it daily though, we can go over a few exercises in a second. That feeding tube you'll bring home with you, plus some stuff to go with it. You need to have the sling on for at least another 2 weeks, exercise your arm and shoulder as well. Then the smaller cuts and bruises should heal just fine, except for on your left leg, you had to have stitches so next time you come back we'll look and see if they're ready to come out. Sound good?"

I nodded, signaling a nice sarcastic thumbs up to her and she smiled. "Your little boyfriends will be here soon by the way, the front desk called them for you." I giggled silently at her as she began to gather my things and put them in a black bag.

Time skip

"Okay, are you ready to go? Do you remember your exercises?" The nurse asked as Jungkook took my bag of necessities from me and I nodded at her. "Good, now don't ever get hurt again. I'll see you next week!" She said waving to me and with that she walked away.

We all piled into the car, I sat in the middle between Jimin and Jungkook. After a few minutes my back pain was becoming less and less tolerable as the muscles strained and burned from being squished between my two meaty mens. I remained still as I could, maybe if I ignore it it'll be fine?

We were almost home. We were...stuck behind a line of cars. God shit. This is how my luck is going? What kind of stuff did I do in my past life to make the universe hate me so much? I shifted uncomfortably as the cars creeped slowly forward.

"-N? M/N? Are you listening?" I looked up and saw Namjoon staring at me from the front seat. I nodded as I turned my head, pretending I didn't hear him the first time. "Did you want us to help you with your exercises? The nurse said to do them when we got home." I nodded, I don't think I would be able to do them myself after all.

My eyes harshly shut in pain for a moment and took a deep breath as I pried them back open. "Are you okay baby bean?" Jimin asked looking at me from the side, causing Jungkook to look over as well. I nodded my head, but as soon as we hit a small bump and my body involuntarily jumped a pained noise managed to escape my throat.

"Why didn't you tell us you were uncomfortable? We would have done something to help you!" Jungkook said as he grabbed a pillow from the back with ease and handed it to Jimin.

Jimin turned his body, his back to the car door and he turned me as well, gently. He placed the pillow on his stomach and put his feet up so I was in between his legs. I slowly scooted myself back and he pulled me the rest of the way. My back that was screaming in pain had almost been completely quiet now as both Jimin and the pillow were providing much needed comfort for me.

After the long line of cars finally broke we got home within about 10 minutes. Taehyung and Jhope had decided they were going to help me with my exercises. We went upstairs and they laid me down on a soft mat with lots of blankets on top of it. "Made by yours truly~" Tae said as he pulled his collar up, trying to look cool.

"So first is your back, which is probably going to be pretty difficult the first time." Hobi said sadly. Taehyung slowly brought my arms up above my head which already began to stretch the muscles unwillingly. My feet were flat on the ground, about hip wide apart.

"Okay breath in and hold it for about 5 seconds, love." Hobi said as he encouragingly squeezed my thigh. I took about half of a full breath before my mouth opened in shock of how sore I was. I shook my head and I breathed out, tears stung my eyes as I gripped Tae's wrist tightly.

Tae pulled me up into his lap and began to pet me gently, running his long fingers through my hair. "Tae! We have to help him work his muscles." Hobi said worriedly. "Look at his face! He can do them later!" Tae argued, leaning down slowly and pressing his lips to mine about 2 or 3 times.

"My little boy doesn't deserve to be tortured, huh?" Tae said as he continued to coddle me and drown me in love. Hoseok apparently said 'fuck it' after a few moments of watching Taehyung and I because now he was next to us, rubbing my thigh.

Taehyung hugged me close and Hoseok kissed away the nasty tears that continued to stay in the corners of my eyes. Then he pinched my chubby smol cheeks with a smile on his face.

"M/N, lets just tell Papa Namjoon and Jin that you did your exercises and then we can just do them tomorrow!-" as soon as Tae has finished his sentence the door swung open and Jin stood in the door frame rolling his eyes.

"I knew you guys were too soft."

Ahhh I'm so tired! Anyway I hope you liked this chapter, I may end the book soon, since there have mostly been filler chapters? Plus I really would love to start a Fanfic for ATEEZ soon. Bye bye!

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