•Chapter 8•

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Sorry I just love hixtape
Welcome to chapter 8 everyone, I hope you enjoy the ride.
Last chapter:
"W-Who in the world wants to be saved while their busy trying to commit suicide?" He laughed bitterly. All I did was listen...

It's all I could do.

The doctor told me I could go home, thank god...

But I wasn't too happy when he slipped a paper in my hand with a name and number on it, and a time.

He told me that was my therapist, 'Ms. Kyra' and that was my appointment time for tomorrow.

I got in a wheelchair, they told me I needed one because of the whole ankle situation.

We made it out to the car.

"M/N?! Oh my god!" I heard a familiar voice.

My head snapped up in fear and happiness.

I looked over to the voice only to see Daesung-hyung and Taeyang-hyung sprinting towards me, not too far away.

I stood up, the members looked at me.

"M/N maybe you should sit back down..." Jin said.

"It's okay hyung, I'll be right back."

"I'll help you over." I turned towards Yoongi-hyung in confusion.


"Yeah, lets go." He pushed me back down into the chair and brought me over.

I felt the warmest feeling in my heart than I ever have.

"M/N-ah what happened?!" Daesung said loudly, peering into my face.

I laughed, "Just an accident hyung I swear, I fell."

"Ahhh our child was always clumsy wasn't he?" Taeyang cut in before.

"I was not! Last I remember I was the one helping you into the car when you hurt your knee!" I said, smiling at the memory.

They both laughed at it too, and I soon joined in until my stomach muscles stared to feel sore.

"Wah still the cute flower boy we remember!" Daesung said, ruffling my hair.

I heard footsteps and saw Jin run towards us.

"We gotta get back, I need to start dinner, I'm sorry." He said, also apologizing to Daesung and Taeyang.

"That's fine we need to go in anyway and visit Seungri."

"What happened to him?" I asked, worried.

"Oh he's fine. He got punched at a fan meet on accident, don't worry." Taeyang laughed, "You better call me young man! I'll see you guys later, and BTS, take care of him for us!" He said while both of them ran away, waving goodbye.


Yoongi's P.O.V (short)
I can't believe he just lied to them...

For our sake.

I sat in awe on the car ride home as I remembered M/N's heartwarming smile and how pure and genuine it was. It was so different from the nervous or fake smiles he gave at our house...

I want M/N to smile like that around us...


M/N's P.O.V
As soon as I got in the car my heart was already throbbing, I missed them so much already.

I was thankful that Yoongi-hyung talked to me, and that he offered to bring me over to my 'family.'

I'm still uncertain about the future, by far, but I feel like it'll be better than the past.

We arrived home, Tae helping me out of the car, I had crutches to use. Ew.

They hurt my damn armpits, I've had them before, I need to buy some cloth I can bunch up and use as a pillow.

We got inside, Tae gave me the crutches, and my body seemed to think it knew what it was doing which is good.

I wanted to go to my room and lay down, I was exhausted, but I couldn't get up there. Could I?

I looked up the steps, debating on how I should go about this, when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see Jimin.

"Do you need to go up there?" He asked looking down at me, his voice was much softer than when I first met him.

I nodded my head, and he sat me on the step while taking my crutches and setting them aside. and then carried me like a baby up the stairs.

I blushed out of embarrassment, and maybe because I was always fond of Jimin, even before I met him.

He set me down on my side of the bed I still shared with Jin, which I enjoyed the extra heat.

Then he left, and I fell asleep.


I was woken up, and I sat up, only to come face to face with Jimin.

He had food on a plate, and he sat down next to me.

"You need to eat, okay? I already did so this is for you." He said as he picked up the fork.

"H-Hyung I can feed myself."

"But I know you'll just leave it and won't eat if I leave the room." There was a small hint of sadness behind his words.

I looked away from him mostly in shame, I never thought they would've known, but I guess that doctor told them.

I felt his hand grab my chin and he made me look him in the eye.

"B-Before you feed me, I won't be able to eat it all, I'm sorry. I've never eaten more than a meal and a half my whole life." I admitted, and saw his eyes widen while his brows furrowed, he had a sad look on his face.

"I'll get you back on track okay? I'll have you eat more, gradually, and eventually you'll be able to eat regularly."

I smiled a little.

"Okay...I'll try my best."

"Do it for me okay?"

"Okay, thank you."

"Yeah yeah, now eat before it gets cold."


After dinner, Jimin and I fell asleep together on the bed while bundled up in the covers, so when Jin came in he just sighed before turning the lights off and going to sleep in jimin's bed.

I think I went to sleep smiling that night.

Feeling like my life with BTS will improve from this day on.

I'm so tired! Sorry if this is really bad. I have school tomorrow and I can't wait until my break comes because I'll be going on vacation and I'm just ahhhhh I can't wait! I'll definitely update on my way down.
Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

The 8th Member ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora