•Chapter 2•

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Hello again! Chapter 2 is here!
Last Chapter:
"Jin-hyung are you down here- oh...who is this?"

I froze, staring at the maknae in utter disbelief and a small bit of happiness. Even if he isn't going to accept me, he was still someone I admired greatly.

"Jungkook. This is M/N, our new member, please be nice to him." Jin said almost sternly.

Jungkook gave me a stare, one that told me I didn't belong and I never would.

I felt lost in his stare, sadness pulling at my heart strings.

"Nice to meet you Jungkook-hyung." I attempted, but it was a lot more quiet than I intended.

He scoffed before turning around and leaving.

"That couldn't have gone worse." I said as Jin patted my shoulder.

"At least that was the worst." He said sadly, "Come on, I'll bring you up to my room."

"Does anyone room with you?"

"No, the maknae line is roomed together and so is the rapper line. Which leaves me, I'm fine with it of course." Jin confessed as we walked up the stairs.

As we walked I noticed his room was at the end of the hall, farthest from the bathroom.

"I'm sorry if I'm taking up your space, I can sleep on the couch."

"No, I can't let you do that, it'll ruin your back. Plus if our manager found out we would all be punished." Jin sighed, opening the door.

I marveled at how nice and neat his room was, I set my bag on the floor next to the door.

"I only have one extra change of clothes, didn't know if I would need them." I said, "Glad I did."

"Well, worst case scenario, you would have to borrow one of my many pink shirts." Jin laughed and I chuckled along with him.

"So M/N...tell me, why did you want to be a part of BTS?"

"Oh! Well I've always had an ear for music, and you guys are people I really admire. You guys were there for me when no one else was, so your music is powerful. I want to make powerful music too." I said with a gentle smile.

My answer seemed to please Jin, as he smiled widely.

"A-And, I want to thank you...I don't know what I would do if you shunned me too, o-or thought I was a burden." I confessed, my cheeks growing slightly warm.

"I have to give others a chance, and I'm glad I'm giving you one." He smiled again, a charming smile.


After I was somewhat settled in, which means having a change of clothes in Jin's drawer, I went downstairs.

Fear mixing with anxiety, creating a giant knot in my stomach, I was truly frightened to meet the other members. After meeting Jungkook that is.

I peeked into the living room, seeing someone on the couch, I took a deep breath in and out to build my courage before I walked out to introduce myself.

I walked up to them, making sure they saw me before smiling warmly.

I bowed a little, "Hello, my name is M/N L/N, I'm your new band mate." I finished with a small smile.

"Ah, yeah, I heard there would be a new member." They said a little skeptical, almost as if they were judging my every move.

I reached out my hand and they took it and shook it firmly.

"My name is Jung Hoseok." He said with a small smile.

I felt some relief flood through me, I sat next to him, but not too close.

"It's nice to meet you." I said, "I'm actually a really big fan." I admitted, hoping that could get me a few extra 'points.'

"Oh really? I'm glad you're familiar with our music style."

"Of course, I've been listening since debut to be honest with you...and I actually learned some of your choreographies, I really like to dance." I continued, spilling a little more information than intended.

"Dancing is great, it's multiple things all put together. Dancing is an art, you can tell a story."

"I agree completely." I said, feeling the nervousness and fear that was once there drained away and instead I started to feel like my bubbly self again.

"I'm going to tell you the truth, I was skeptical about having a new member, I know others are having trouble accepting it." He said, "But now, I can tell you're a good person through and through. I'm sorry for being hesitant."

"No, it's okay I understand, I mean I just got in here with what? An audition? You guys have worked hard to get to this spot and here I am trudging over that work without meaning to."

"I think they'll accept it, with time, but they will. Here, let's go out and get ice cream, as my apology." He smiled, extending a hand.

I took it, smiling widely as we walked outside.

We walked down a few blocks, stopping and getting ice cream, and then Hoseok took me to a nearby park where we sat on a bench.

"I'm going to try hard." I said watching the sun reflect off of the water, "I want to get to know you better, all of you, and like any human being I want acceptance too."

"Hard work pays off in the end. So I will also try my best to get to know you better." He replied smiling.

I looked over at him, seeing he had some ice cream on his nose I immediately started to laugh.

"What's so funny?" He asked, confused.

"Haha! You ruined the serious moment! You have ice cream on your nose Hoseok-hyung." I chuckled, handing him a napkin.

He laughed as well, wiping his nose.

"Ahh, all serious moments come to an end eventually." He said.

"Heheh, but I've never had one end with laughter." I giggled, patting his shoulder.


After finishing our ice cream the sun was almost set and we were on our way home.

As soon as J-hope's skepticism cleared, we clicked almost immediately. You would think we were good friends, seeing the way we acted on the way home, both of us laughing and smiling.

We got back to the house and as soon as the door opened I mentally sighed.

The other 6 were on the couch, their focus on the TV turned to me and J-hope.

"Ah! I was wondering where you went, but then I noticed Hoseok was gone too so I didn't worry." Jin said smiling.

I smiled back at him, with my eyes.

J-hope felt the tension in the air before he put a hand on my back.

"Guys, this is M/N, our new band mate. He's super nice!" J-hope said, being the ray of sunshine he is he added a small compliment in there.

They all nodded their heads, I mentally sighed again.

I wish I could fast forward time.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!
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Completed at 12:10 a.m.

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