•Chapter 4•

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That song up there is so good!
We're going to use is as yours in this chapter though.
Last chapter:
M/N...it's just hard to accept it, but I'll try.

I woke up, my eyes stung as I opened them slowly.

I sat up and got out of bed.

Jin was still asleep? I checked the time and saw 6:55 a.m. displayed on my phone screen.

I sighed and walked downstairs after changing into a comfy outfit:

I made sure it was light, I really wanted to go out today because it was spring and I love when it starts to get warm!

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I made sure it was light, I really wanted to go out today because it was spring and I love when it starts to get warm!

If the weather was happy, I was happy.

I stepped outside taking in a breath of fresh air and giggling to myself.

(No kidding author-nim does this)

I stepped down and walked out to the sidewalk, my steps felt light, it's almost like last night never affected me.

The wonders of spring.

I wanted to get the boys something, maybe they'll feel more inclined to accept me as their new member...

"Everyone likes sweets, no?" I thought out loud, "Well, not all of them seem like they would like sweets."

I ended up buying candy for the ones I thought would appreciate it, I also bought a few plushies.

But there were two members...

"What in the hell could I buy Suga-hyung and Jungkook-hyung?" I had a mental workout, trying to stretch my mind.

Then it hit me.

"Ow..." I rubbed my head and turned to find the object that hit me.

"A-A wooden spoon? What the hell?" I looked at where it came from and saw a little boy.

"Hey there little dude, this your spoon?" I asked, kneeling down.

He nodded, "I was supposed to grab it for my mom, she wants to show me how to make a cake today!"

I smiled, "Aw man you're so lucky! I love cake, wanna here a secret to make it taste better?"

But seriously wondering how the hell he hit me with the spoon on accident.

"Yeah! I want to impress my mom!" He said, determined, he leaned in close.

"If you add another egg, it makes it a lot more rich." I said.

"You know what? You gave me an idea! I think I'm gonna make a cake today too." I said, "My name is M/N, I hope we meet again."

"My name is Kori! Nice to meet you M/N! I'll tell my mom about the advice, goodbye mister!" He said running off.

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