•Chapter 1•

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This is my 2nd book! I was debating on writing this or not, for those of you that know, and decided I would!
P.S. this chapter is mostly about you.

I woke up to my alarm, which of course was one of my many BTS songs I owned. They were my idols, what can I say?

I sprung out of bed, dressing in a baby pink sweater with ripped black skinny jeans.

I love pink, so manly, I know.

It's comforting to me, I'm a bubbly person with a sad backstory, kind of weird but I'm always happy unless I'm reminded of the times that weren't so bright.

My name is M/N L/N, I'm 20 years old, as straight as a wavy line, I do occasionally suffer from severe depression, and I have anxiety.

Totally normal.

I refused the meds I've been offered oh so many times because I always here scary stories of addiction, and feel like maybe prescription drugs aren't for me.

But ever since my doctor(s) had seen my condition worsen over time, they got me to take medications, it took a lot of persuading but it eventually worked.

I don't want to experience addiction, so I'm strict with myself and won't take them unless I've eaten, plus I only take 1 a day which may or may not be less than what the doctor recommends but what's the worst that could happen.

With the anxiety medicine, I only take it before a big event, or while I'm on the verge of a full-blown anxiety attack.

As soon as I swallowed my medicine, my phone started to ring, I picked it up.


"Hello! Is this M/N L/N?"

"Yup! Who is this?"

"This is the manager from BigHit Entertainment, or BTS's manager to be specific. I would like to talk to you about the resume you submitted!"

"Ah...did I mess something up?"

"No...I would just like to welcome you to BTS."

"I-I'm a part of BTS?"

"Yes, congratulations! Would you please come down to the studio? Or do you need someone to come get you?"

"I-I can drive myself! Thank you, thank you so much!"

"My pleasure, I'll see you in a few."

"See you!"


I sprinted towards the door, grabbing my phone and my small black backpack that held my medication and ran towards the door.

After slipping on my white vans and tying them I quickly ran out and started my car.


I parked my car in the front of the building and walked in.

I made eye contact with an older looking man and he walked up to me.

"M/N! It's good to see you!"

"A-Are you Sejin-hyung?" I asked, cursing myself for stuttering like a moron.

"Yes I am! No need to be nervous! I would like to ask you a few questions, and then introduce you to the boys."


After the couple of brief questions, Sejin got into his car and I got into mine, and I followed him to the 'BTS house.'

(Totally not a real thing it's a fanfic anything is possible, like there being a big house where BTS lives)

I got out and admired it, a mix of nervousness and excitement filling my stomach as we got closer to the door.

Sejin knocked a few times before it actually opened to reveal a tired looking Jin.

"Ah! Manager-hyung, long time no see, ah, who is this?" Jin asked glancing over at me.

Sejin looked over at me as if to tell me to introduce myself, which I did.

"Hello Jin-hyung, my name is M/N L/N." I said, proud for not making any mistakes.

"Yes, Jin, this is the new member I was talking about." He said smiling lightly.

I saw Jin's face contort into somewhat of a worried smile as he held his hand up to me.

"Nice to meet you M/N, please come in, both of you."

I shook his hand and both Sejin-hyung and I walked in to see no one.

"Everyone is sleeping, long day, I've been cleaning." Jin said, sighing.

"Ahhhh alright, looks like my work here is done, I have things to do at the studio! Jin, make sure M/N gets comfortable here, and M/N all of these boys are nice don't be too worried. Goodbye guys!" Sejin said, waving to us and closing the door.

"Well, M/N, welcome to the home of BTS. Where everyone and everything is messy." Jin smiled, I could still see that worry in his eye.

"Would you like any help with cleaning?" I asked, wanting to help so I don't seem like the type of person to slack.

"Oh I couldn't, you didn't make any of this mess-"

"It's okay hyung, I grew up with 4 older sisters, none of what I cleaned up was mine!" I smiled warmly.

"Well, if it isn't too much trouble, would you please help me with the dishes?"

"It would be my pleasure."


Cleaning the dishes with Jin was fun, actually, cleaning anything with Jin was counted as fun in my book.

"Wow M/N, thank you for helping!" Jin exclaimed.

"No problem, I'll help anytime."

"Now, I hate to say this, but...well...some of the boys are having trouble."

"Trouble with what?" I asked.

"Accepting an 8th member, Namjoon and Hoseok seem a bit skeptical about you, which will pass once they get to know you." He explained.

"And...what about the other four..?" I asked, dread started to take place of the excitement I felt.

"They're having a lot more trouble...I'm really sorry, I just didn't want you to find out the hard way. Since you'll be staying here now, you can room with me."

"Okay...t-thank you for telling me." I said, feeling some of the social anxiety coming on.

"J-Jin-hyung, can I get some water?" I asked, and as he nodded his head I followed him to the kitchen.

As he was getting the glass I took out the bottle from my backpack and took some of the medicine out before shoving it back in with my other shit.

"You take medication?" Jin asked, a worried tone taking over his voice.

"Ah, y-yes, But I'm not crazy or anything. I've just suffered from anxiety for a really long time." I said reaching out a shaking hand before grabbing the water and taking the pills.

I felt an almost instant relief as my hands became steady and my breathing regulated.

"M/N, I'm sorry, I hope this doesn't put too much on you. If you ever need some condolence I will stay by you okay? I'm gonna make sure you become comfortable here, however long that may take." Jin said, putting a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"Thank you so much hyung. It really helps."

"Jin-hyung are you down here- oh...who is this?"


That's chapter 1, if you're new to reading this story then go check out my other one! And if you're here because I haven't updated the other story then I'm sorry 😂

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