What You're Missing

Start from the beginning

yeah, sure, why not. it's better than what i have planned today anyway :p

From: Matt

cool! we'll come pick you up at 8

After locking his phone, Dan allows himself to fall back onto his bed, covering his face with his hands.

"God, why did I agree to do this," Dan mumbles to himself.


It was currently 19:57 and Dan was back in the bathroom, contemplatively staring at himself in the mirror. He didn't know why he was so jittery or nervous, but he was, and he was mentally scolding himself for it. He checked himself out for what seemed to be the thousandth time to check if everything was in order.

Dan was a wearing a simple black dress shirt, not too casual, but also not too formal. His black skinny jeans clung to his body, fitting him in all of the right ways and he was wearing his black shoes with studs, which he was thinking of changing because he inevitably looked like a walking funeral. Before he could change anything, he hears a knock from the door, so he grabs his phone from the bed and opens the door.

"Hey, Dan, long time no see," Matt was standing in front of him, smiling widely. Dan smiles back and follows Matt to the car to see a few other people who he had seen before, but never talked to. Dan nods their way and they greet him. Dan couldn't help but feel out of place as they drove to the concert.

As they were nearing the arena, everything was becoming vaguely familiar to Dan. The atmosphere had a sort of dark, rock and roll sort of feel to it, and once Dan saw the poster, he immediately knew who's concert it was.

"H-hey, Matt? Are we going to a Ph-" Dan pauses as he feels butterflies appearing in his stomach, "a Phil Lester concert?"

Matt looks at Dan in the rearview mirror and flashes a smile at him, "Yeah, actually. Why, have you heard of him?"

Dan hadn't become friends with Matt until after his breakup with Phil. Since he and Phil kept it a secret from everyone, no one actually knew who Phil's secret boyfriend was.  Dan vowed to not tell anyone about what happened between them. So Dan fakes a smile at looks at Matt.

"Yeah, I was a fan of him a while ago."

"That's cool. We've got VIP tickets so we actually get to meet him! How cool is that?"

"Very cool," Dan mumbles, trying to shove his hands into his sleeves.


Everything around Dan could only be described as the word 'stuffy.' The place was dark and there were sweaty bodies everywhere. While waiting for the ever-so-popular Phil Lester, there was shouting and talking everywhere. The whole arena was buzzing with conversations and Dan couldn't help but feel more alone.

His heart was beating fast as the time for the concert ticked closer. This was the first time in a whole year he was going to see Phil again, and he wasn't sure if he was ready. He was no longer mad at the punk rockstar anymore. He just wanted him back.

The lights in the arena dim and a guitar riff starts playing, pulling Dan from his thoughts. His heart was beating with anticipation as the intro to one of his favourite songs starts playing. Without any more time to mentally prepare himself, Phil runs on stage with his guitar in hand, making the whole arena screaming and cheer. He hears some girls around him freaking out and saying things like, "Oh my god, he's so hot!!" and, "Fucking take me now!" making Dan seethe silently.

Phil's voice suddenly fills the arena, making everyone around him shut up. His voice was deep and heartfelt, making Dan fall in love all over again.

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