Round 1: We Are Many

396 18 81

We are many. We are one. We have seen what has become of this world, and who is responsible. We demand punishment. We demand repayment. We do not forget.


Wuckster CarolinaC TEBramble WilliamJJackson trfoxtrot CJG1988 SallyMason1 Sephuran minusfractions HardeeBurger CelestriaUniverse jinnis painebook sacredlilac OutrageousOllo Holly_Gonzalez Wolfwhistle

Welcome to the first round of SD:BTOR. We're keeping it very simple:

Using the bolded bit of text above as the opening lines to your tale, write a sci-fi story with a minimum of 1000 words.

No specific sub-genre required for this one, write whatever kind of sci-fi you like. Curious where you guys'll take this one.

Submit your stories to in .doc or .docx form, or as a Google Doc, or by copy-pasting into the body of the email.

The deadline for this round will be May 1st, 3:30 PM PST/6:30 PM EST/10:30 PM UTC/10:30 AM NZT.


Judges—MadMikeMarsbergenashiqtntNablai—will each eliminate one person from their pool of contestants for this round. This means a total of three people will be eliminated in Round 1.

MadMikeMarsbergen will judge the following:


ashiqtnt will judge the following:

WolfwhistleminusfractionstrfoxtrotHolly_Gonzalez, SallyMason1

Nablai will judge the following:


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