He shook his head. "You don't have to cook. I made some mac n' cheese awhile ago, I only got to eat two spoons before I lost my appetite. It's in the fridge, I can just heat it up." he said standing up.

I grabbed his shoulder and pushed him down. "No. Stay in bed, I got it handled."

"Nina, I'm fine. I swear." he insisted.

I raised an eyebrow. "Jake, you're heating up, you're pale and you've been puking—"

"Doesn't mean I can't eat downstairs, right?" he said smiling up at me.

I rolled my eyes. "Fine. But you're coming back up here after."

He smiled and stood up again. "Yes ma'am."

I made a face making him chuckle. I grabbed both our phones and the bag of medicine.

"Come on, let's get you to eat." I said grabbing his hand as we made our way out of his bedroom and down stairs, where Kaleb was busy watching TV.

"Kaleb." Jake called making Kaleb turn his head to us.

He smiled and stood up. "Hey. Wow, Jake you look like shit." He said following us to the kitchen.

I chuckled and shook my head as I opened the fridge taking out his left over mac n' cheese.

Jake sat down on the stool rolling his eyes and gave Kaleb the finger making him laugh.

I rolled my eyes at their childishness as I put the plate in the microwave and set the timer.

"But thanks for getting the meds." Jake said.

"No prob, man. How are you feeling though?"

"Look like shit, feel like shit." he said groaning, burying his head in his arms on the island.

"He has a fever now." I said getting the hot plate out and placing a fork on it as I grabbed the juice and placed it in front of Jake.

"Damn. That sucks. Well, there's not much going on in the office anyways—"

"Good. Because Nina here won't let me do any work." Jake said cutting off Kaleb as he began eating.

I rolled my eyes as Kaleb chuckled. "Oh shut up and eat." I said sitting on the stool in front of him.

I then faced Kaleb. "You owe me an explanation."

"Oh, yeah. Long story short. I started working again about two months ago. I actually used to work there till my dad remarried then Anthony came into the picture. Then the thing with Tony and Jake happened, and Tony being my step-brother I had to defend him, which was the wrong choice cause it caused Jake and I to fight. I then thought about it and yeah, I was wrong and that I really hated Anthony's guts. So, I've been talking with Jake and as you can see we got our relationship fixed and I wanted to work back in the company instead if the one in China where my parents are currently running the branch there-well, my father's running it, my step-mom's just there to keep him company."

"Oh, okay. So, you're stuck with Anthony duties, then?" I teased.

He groaned and rolled his eyes. "Apparently. But whatever. I hired someone to keep an eye on him from a distance."

"Wow, you hired a spy?" I said sarcasm dripping from my mouth.

"Ha ha. I actually hired ninjas."

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "That's so original."

I then turned to Jake who's been quiet the entire time, and is now playing with his food. "Jake. You okay?"

He looked up and smiled slightly. "Yeah, I'm fine."

"How much have you eaten?" I asked worriedly.

He put down his fork and leaned back on the stool, then shrugged. "I dunno. I guess one-fourth of it?"

I sighed. "Well at least you ate something. Wanna drink your meds already?"

He shrugged. "Yeah, I guess." He said lazily.

I got the meds out of the bag and read the prescription. "Well, it says once a day, not in an empty stomach and that it can cause drowsiness." I said handing him the pill.

He drank it and finished his juice. He then groaned and lay his head on his arms that were in top of the island.

"You must be really sick, man."

"No shit Sherlock."

Kaleb and I chuckled. Kaleb's phone then rang.

He dug out his phone from his pocket and answered it. "Hello?"

"No, I'm at Jake's...he's sick...No, I have to help Nina take care of him. He gets cranky when he drinks this medicine..." That made me look at Jake.

I raised an eyebrow at him. "You get cranky when you drink this?"

He nodded. "Sometimes. I don't know why this one has that effect on me."

"No you can't and that's final..." Kaleb said making me look back at him. "Anthony don't make me call Matthew..."

He ended the call and groaned. "I swear sometimes I just wanna punch him in the face."

Jake scoffed. "Then why don't you?"

Kaleb shrugged. "I don't wanna stoop down to his level."

Jake then groaned. "Okay! It's kicking in now. I feel drowsy."

I chuckled and stood up from the stool and went around to Jake. "Well, that was fast. Come on, then."

I grabbed his hand and pulled him up. "You know I can go to bed on my own." he complained but still let me pull him.

I chuckled. "And I guess you're cranky side starts now."

Kaleb chuckled making me turn to him.

"I'll just bring him upstairs."

"Sure thing." he said amused.

Jake groaned irritably. "You don't need to tell him your every move, you know." he said pulling me out of the kitchen leaving a chuckling Kaleb behind.

"Well, someone's clingy." I said amused as we went up the stairs.

"You're my girl. Of course I'm clingy." he said as we reached his room.

I rolled my eyes and pushed him down the bed. "Yeah, whatever. Go to sleep already would you."

He lay on the bed and went under the covers hugging his pillow, his eyes getting droopy.

Wow, that pill worked fast. I just hoped he's feel better by tomorrow.

I kissed the top of his head. "Hope you feel better, babe."

Once I pulled away I saw that his eyes were already closed and that his breathing was even. Damn, it's either he's really tired or that pill really is fast.

I took three steps when I heard him mumble something making me stop dead in my tracks.

"Love you, Nina."

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