30- And here they go

Start from the beginning

"No why would I? It was years ago and Im not jealous of him anymore." He smiles throwing his arm around my shoulders

"Good" I smile as I lean into him

I smirk at my twin who just rolls his eyes. His plan to piss Dallas off failed.

"It's getting dark" Arrex says looking out over the water, the sun was almost fully set

"Yeah" Wes adds "wanna watch a movie?"

"I'm down if that movie is tangled" I grin at them. Tangled was my favorite Disney movie,

"Alright lets go" Arrex grins offering his hand to Em to pull her up and out of the sand

"I wish we could watch it out here" I sigh as we all start walking out

"mhm" Caleb agrees

"Im sorry Belle, I actually have to go, I told my grandma I'd meet her at nine " Dallas stops looking down at his watch. It was eight forty five now.

"Oh no problem," I smile at him "Thanks for comin down and hanging out for the day"

"Of course," he chuckles "Oh by the way I still want a rematch in a race, I'm still convinced you cheated"

"You're on Arres" I laugh at him before giving him a hug

"Bye Belle" he grins as he places a small kiss on my cheek

"Bye Dallas" I say before he walks away
I wave as he pulls away and return back inside the house to see everyone already gathered around the living room with the movie ready to play.

I smile as I jump into my usual spot between Jordan and Caleb on the floor.

"I heard you guys were watching Tangled" a sleepy voice says from the entryway of the family room

Bex was standing there in her Dallas Cowboys pajamas, holding Caleb's blanket.

"Yeah you're just in time" I say she runs over to us

She sits between Caleb and I, resting her head against Caleb as he drapes an arm around both her and I.

"Pascal is my favorite" Amy smiles as she shoots closer to Beck who has his arm around her.

I glance at Em whose having a silent argument with Arrex, they were both just sitting there glaring at each other. I manage to catch her gaze and silently gesture to Amy and Beck with a grin. She pauses her little dispute with my other brother to smile and nod.

"Eugene is my favorite" I grin "he acts like a douche but in actuality he's not a horrible guy,"

"Nah repunzels the best" Caleb states

"Well obviously," Em scoffs making me and everyone else laugh

"Okay shhh- I like this part" Bex grins as she watches the opening fight between Eugene and Max.
"ITS COMING UP!" I grin as I hit Calebs leg.
My favorite part of the whole movie was when she finally saw the lights. It was just an amazing moment. It seems stupid, my love of this movie but it was what I always watched this movie when I was in a bad mood or I was sad.

"Ready?" I grin up at Caleb

"Oh here she goes" Jordan mumbles with his eyes closed

"All those days, watching from the windows
All those years from the outside looking in
All that time never even knowing
Just how blind I've been
Now I'm here, blinking in the starlight
Now I'm here, suddenly I see
Standing here, it's all so clear
I'm where I'm meant to be" I sing the first verse before Em and Amy start giggling, I look at them with a questioning glance as I finish the last line. Why were the giggling?

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