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"I love you baby" Jisung whispered quietly.

Jisung didn't know how this was going to end. He didn't know if he was going to get hurt or if he was going to hurt Mark. What he did know was he needed Minho to know that he loved him. Just in case..

"I just want Minho" Mark said before pushing Jisung to the side, causing him to crash into the wall next to him. The younger wasn't expecting to be so forcefully shoved, it completely caught him off guard. He was disoriented for a couple seconds, but it was long enough for Mark to tackle Minho to the ground harshly. Minho yelped as pain shot through his body.

"I'm really going to enjoy this" Mark said while raising his fist. His fist collided with Minho's face painfully hard, then it was punch after punch after punch. Jisung watched horrified as Minho's face slowly started to become covered in blood. He was almost in a trance, terrified to move, until Minho's shouts of pain snapped him out of it.

"Minho!" Jisung yelled before running at Mark. The impact of Jisung caused Mark to be pushed off of Minho. The brown haired boy scrambled to climb on top of Mark, now he had the upper hand he needed.

Jisung was never an aggressive person, looking at him he looked like a soft boy. His muscles weren't as noticeable as Changbin's or Chan's, but Minho knew how strong his boyfriend was. "How dare you fucking touch him" Jisung growled before throwing a punch of his own.

Minho cringed upon hearing the sound of Jisung's fist meeting Mark's face. In that moment Jisung didn't give a fuck about anything. He didn't care about his career. He didn't care about the boys or the fans. All he could see was Minho's bloody face and it sent him into a rage.

"Fuck you" Jisung said before throwing another punch, then another one- each one harder than the last. Mark struggled underneath Jisung trying to push the younger off of him, but every time he moved he was met with another punch to the face.

Mark still managed to flip Jisung over so he was the one pinned to the ground now. He threw punches at Jisung blindly, blood from his face had dripped into his eyes; blurring his vision. Regardless of not being able to see clearly he still got a few good punches in. Enough to leave some serious bruises.

Minho was in too much pain to move- almost in and out of consciousness. He watched helplessly as Mark had his boyfriend pinned down. "Sungie I love you please" he whimpered. Jisung managed to catch his lover's words between the punches being directed at him. It was enough to remind him what he was fighting for- to give him the strength he needed to finish this once and for all.

He pushed Mark off of him, both boys were exhausted from fighting, but Jisung wasn't ready to give up until it was over. He clambered onto the older and wrapped his hands around his throat, just like Mark did to Minho. Jisung watched with dark eyes as Mark struggled underneath him. "He deserves this" was all Jisung could think while he stared into Mark's eyes.

Jisung was yanked off of Mark and slammed against the wall. He struggled, trashed around, trying to get whoever was on him off. He felt the coldness of the metal before he heard the distinctive click of handcuffs. "No no you have the wrong guy!" He could hear Chan yelling. He watched as officers pulled Mark to his feet and pushed him against the wall next to Jisung.

"Asshole!" Jisung growled while struggling against the policeman who had him pinned to the wall. The officers cuffed Mark and pulled both boys out of the house. Jisung managed to steal a glance at Minho who was surrounded by paramedics and Chan "Minho!" He screamed while trying to get loose. He just needed to see him. That's all.

"Sung! Stop struggling! You're only making it worse. Minho is okay" Changbin said to the younger who was still struggling. "I'm going to make sure he's okay. Chan and Woojin will meet you at the police station, but you need to calm down" Changbin directed.

Jisung nodded slowly and listened to his best friends words. The seven boys watched with heavy hearts as Jisung was pushed roughly into the back of a cop car. It was never supposed to turn out this way.

𝙽𝚘𝚝 𝚜𝚘 𝚕𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚕𝚢 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚢𝚘𝚞Where stories live. Discover now