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"It's not only Chan" he said..

Jisung looked at Minho with confusion written all over his face. "What do you mean?" He asked while cocking his head to the side. Minho cooed quietly, but before he could open his mouth to explain the door swung open reveling a disheveled Woojin.

"Minho? Jisung?" He asked while running his hands through his messy hair. Minho shot the older a slight glare before pushing his way into his house "we need to talk" he said. Jisung bowed slightly to Woojin before entering his house. Minho may be mad at the older, but that's no excuse for Jisung to be disrespectful.

He sat down quietly next to Minho on the couch "I'm guessing Jeongin told you guys what happened" Woojin said while standing in front of the two. The two younger boys only nodded slowly. Woojin sighed and sat down on the coffee table in front of them. "I never ever meant to hurt Jeongin" Woojin said with another small sigh.

Minho shook his head and crossed his arms "not only did you hurt Jeongin. You hurt Chan" he said while glancing over at Jisung "c'mon Sung. Tell him how Chan was"

Jisung sighed quietly "um it was pretty bad. He cried a lot. Locked himself in his room. He didn't eat the last couple days. I've never seen him like that, we were all so worried" Jisung said with a slight frown. Even when Chan was sad or hurting he always kept a brave face, so it was absolutely heart breaking for everyone in the 3racha dorm to hear and see Chan breakdown like that.

Woojin felt his eyes start to water. He knew in retrospect he didn't deserve to cry, not after hurting not only Jeongin but Chan on top of that. He really never meant to hurt either of them, it was never his intention to fall in love with Chan.

"I never meant for any of this to happen. I swear" Woojin said while looking down at his lap. Minho scoffed and shook his head once again. "I can't believe you fell in love with Chan. What the hell? So you finally realized you couldn't have Jeongin so you decided to go after what he loves?!" Minho said- raising his voice.

The older of the three flinched at his loud voice before finally breaking out into a sob. "I never wanted to hurt Jeongin!" He cried while covering his face with his hands "you know how I feel about him" he hiccuped.

Jisung sat quietly and looked between the two males. "Yeah I thought you were in love with him. You told me you'd do anything to make him happy even if it didn't involve you. You told me you loved Jeongin so much you'd let him be happy with another, but instead you fell in love with his happiness. Broke both of them" Minho ranted while standing up.

He paced back and fourth quickly while wringing his hands. He was getting angry and he didn't want to yell at Woojin. He didn't come here to yell at him he came here to talk, but the more they spoke the angrier he gets. "That's the thing. I'm still in love with Jeongin. I love him so much, but I love Chan too. I love them both"

Jisung gasped quietly. "You're in love with both of them?" The blonde asked while looking at Woojin. The older nodded and wiped his tears. "I've been in love with Jeongin since I met him. I just happened to fall in love with Chan along the way. I never intended too, but I still love Jeongin with everything in me and I want him to forgive me, but he blocked me on everything. He won't even open his door for me" Woojin said with a sad smile.

He missed the younger more than anything and he'd do anything he could to get Jeongin to forgive him. "Listen I'll get him to talk to you, but I can't promise he'll forgive you" Minho said while sitting back down. "You really fucked up hyung" he added. Woojin said nothing in return. He already knew he fucked up.

𝙽𝚘𝚝 𝚜𝚘 𝚕𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚕𝚢 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚢𝚘𝚞Where stories live. Discover now