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Minho held Jeongin's hand tightly. There were already so many people lined up outside of the venue and he didn't want to lose Jeongin in the crowd. Woojin held Jeongin's other hand in his while Seungmin held onto the back of Woojin's shirt.

The group of four slowly made their way to the front of the line, ignoring the glares they were getting from other fans. "Um excuse me" Minho mumbled quietly to the security guard standing in the front. He turned to look at the boys with a blank face.

"The back of the line is that way" he said pointing towards the back of the line. Minho pouted softly and looked over at Woojin. The eldest of the four smiled softly and nodded his head at the guard. Minho's nerves were getting the best of him "actually I'm with J.One" he said.

The guard looked at him confused and the girls in line snickered quietly and whispered amongst themselves. Minho knew they were making fun of him- probably calling him delusional and to be honest he felt like it. "I'm Lee Minho. I'm with J.One" he said again with more confidence. This time the guard smiled and nodded "oh Mr. Lee! They told us about you. 3racha is waiting for you" he said- causing Minho to sigh In relief.

The girls gasped and looked at the four boys in shock. Apparently they really did think Minho was delusional "Follow me this way" the guard said taking them inside.

Backstage in the dressing room Jisung was panicking. He paced back and fourth with his head hanging low. The other three boys watched their friend with worried expressions. A loud knock on the door caused him to freeze in place. Their manager's head popped in and glanced at the four boys. "They're here. Do you want them all at once or just one at a time?" He asked while looking at the leader.

"Seungmin first" Chan answered. Their manager nodded before turning around and saying something to the boys behind him. Hyunjin ducked behind the couch quickly and screeched "why him!" before Seungmin was pushed into the room.

At first the brown haired boy was looking down. Too scared to look up at the idols in the room. "Stop hiding you fool!" Seungmin heard a familiar voice say. His head snapped up and he met eyes with Chan "no fucking way" he whispered while looking at the three boys.

"Hey! Watch your language" Hyunjin said popping up from behind the couch. Seungmin's jaw dropped as he stared at his boyfriend. "You knew all along?" Seungmin asked with a slight pout. He wasn't mad, not at all. He was actually impressed at how the boys managed to keep it a secret the whole time. especially since Hyunjin and Jisung have such big mouths. Hyunjin only nodded and pulled his boyfriend into a tight hug "I'm also that dancer in the video" he whispered. Seungmin blushed from being embarrassed and pushed Hyunjin away from him.

"Minho hyung is going to be so surprised" he mumbled. Their manager popped his head in once more "next?" He asked while looking at Chan. Chan sighed "Jeongin and then wait a few minutes to let Woojin in" he mumbled.

The nerves of Jeongin finding out started to kick in. Chan's heart was pounding loudly in his ears. Before his mind could start running wild Jeongin was already standing in front of him "Channie?" He whispered. Chan smiled softly and pulled Jeongin into a tight hug "don't be mad" he whispered in the younger's ear.

Jeongin hugged his boyfriend tightly "so I'm guessing you're CB97" he whispered while placing a soft kiss on Chan's nose. The older nodded and giggled quietly. "You owe me a date for lying to me though" Jeongin said suddenly getting serious.

Before he could even agree Woojin was pushed into the small dressing room. "I knew it!" Woojin yelled "I knew the second Jisung started acting strange about Minho liking 3racha and the fact you three are constantly in the studio. I'm not even surprised" he said while taking the time to hug each boy in the room- skipping Felix who was fast asleep on the small couch.

When he got to Chan he pulled him into a hug squishing Jeongin between them. "As much as I love group cuddles. I can't breathe" Jeongin mumbled barely audible- his face was quite literally mushed into Chan's chest.

The older boys laughed at him before pulling away. "I'm so glad you guys aren't mad" Chan whispered with a soft smile. Both boys smiled back "we couldn't be mad at you over your career Channie baby" Jeongin said.

The soft moment was broken when the door opened again. Everyone's heads turned to look at Jisung. "This is it" he whispered to himself.

Author- I hate how this chapter turned out :(

𝙽𝚘𝚝 𝚜𝚘 𝚕𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚕𝚢 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚢𝚘𝚞Where stories live. Discover now