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Minho hyung:
Please answer

Hyung? What's wrong

Minho hyung:
I need you to show up right now.

What's happening hyung?

Minho hyung:
Just hurry!
Before my students leave.
Hurry up

I'll be right there


Jisung liked to think he was a safe driver he never wanted to hurt himself or anyone else on the road, but after getting those texts from Minho, he's never driven so fast before.

Minho's dance studio was a good ten minutes from the 3racha dorm, but Jisung was sure he'd be there in 4 and a half. He thanked the lord that there wasn't any traffic right now. He had no clue what was happening, but he had a gut feeling it wasn't anything good. Jisung glanced at the car radio clock. "Im almost there hyung" he whispered to himself.

He sighed in relief when he pulled into the studios parking lot. Kids that he assumed were in Minho's class and other classes, we're slowly filing out of the building with their parents. "Excuse me please" Jisung said as he pushed his way through kids and parents. Finally when he saw a clear path he sprinted to Minho's studio.

"Hyung!" Jisung yelled as he burst through the door. He stopped to catch his breath momentarily before taking in the sight before him. Minho was pinned against the wall by a guy Jisung had never seen before. He could see the older clearly trying to push the man away but he wasn't strong enough. In that moment something in Jisung snapped. He yanked the man away from Minho and stood in front of him protectively.

"Get the fuck away from him" Jisung said while stepping closer to the scared boy behind him. Minho whimpered quietly and clutched onto Jisung's shirt tightly, afraid to let go. The unknown man laughed loudly before backing away "I'll see you again Minho" he said before disappearing out the door.

Jisung turned around to look at the frightened older "Hey are you crying? Please don't cry." Jisung said while wiping away his tears. Minho only whimpered in response before throwing his arms around the younger and sobbing. "Shhh hyung I got you" Jisung said while rocking them back and fourth.

Minho cried hard and all Jisung could do was hold him and whisper soft words of encouragement. Finally his crying died down and he quickly pulled away from Jisung "I'm sorry! I got your shirt wet from my tears and I was all sweaty. I'm sorry!" Minho apologized quickly, but Jisung only smiled softly and picked up the older's duffel bag.

"Stop apologizing for things. You have a lot to explain though don't you?" Jisung said while grabbing the older's hand and pulling him out towards his car. Minho only nodded softly and allowed himself to be dragged away.

Jisung threw Minho's duffle bag in the backseat and opened the passenger door for him "after you m'lady" he said while bowing obnoxiously. Minho snorted and rolled his eyes at the blonde before getting into the car.

The car ride was absolutely silent but nothing about it was awkward. In a sense Minho felt safe in the presence of the blonde and he hasn't felt the way around someone else except his friends in a long time. Jisung parked outside of his dorm and turned to look at the other boy.

"Chan hyung and Changbin hyung are out But Seungmin and Hyunjin will be in there for another 30 minutes" Han said while looking at his phone. "So we're going to sit out here and talk. Im not trying to pressure you hyung, but I was so worried and then to see you cry like that again. I just don't know what to think" the younger ranted while shutting his eyes.

He was afraid that Minho would run. Chan and warned him when things get serious or too intense, the elder had a habit of running and hiding, but instead he took a deep breath and told his story.

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